Monday, July 30, 2012

Information About the Paleo Diet

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The genetic foundations of the metabolisms of modern humans were laid down millions of years ago, long before the agricultural revolution caused us to begin eating grains, dairy products such as milk and cheese, or sugar. The Paleo diet - short for "Paleolithic" - aims to return you to the eating habits that your body, and the body of every other human on Earth, is designed for, thus banishing the allergies, metabolic diseases, and tooth decay that our poorly chosen modern foods inflict.

Information About the Paleo Diet

Farming and domestication of animals (other than, perhaps, hunting dogs) has taken place only during the most recent years of humanity's long history, a matter of nine or ten thousand at most, and probably less. Unfortunately, these food products became very common - but the fact is that our physiology is still adapted to pre-agricultural dietary patterns. In effect, many supposedly "wholesome" foods we eat today are actually mildly poisonous to us, or react negatively with our body chemistry.

The Paleo diet returns control over your metabolic health to you by focusing on the food groups that the cavemen ate: lean meats, both mammalian and avian, eggs, fish and shellfish, nuts, fresh fruits, and a range of vegetables, including a few root vegetables (but not potatoes, which many diets make the error of including, though at the time of the cavemen these plants grew wild only in remote areas of the Andes and thus were not adapted to by most people).

By limiting your intake to these foods, you will be eating the nourishment Nature intended us to consume, which is readily metabolized and healthy for us. Lean meats as well as organ meats and even tongue will form the backbone of any good diet that follows this innovative, scientifically grounded program. Half a dozen eggs a week will be a good representation of the eggs occasionally found in nests or raided from seabird rookeries.

Nuts are a great source of healthy Paleolithic protein, with monosaturated fats that feed your body while actually lowering your cholesterol. Nuts contain compounds that probably inhibit breast cancer and a few other cancers from developing, and strengthen the heart, reducing the chance of heart disease. Start off slowly eating nuts because they are very nutritious and calorie rich. As you get deeper into the Paleo diet, however, your metabolic rate will rise and you can eat more and still stay (or get) slim.

Though you can get a good grasp of many foods you should avoid simply by eschewing everything that comes in a box, you should also not eat foods that contain sugar, which includes maple syrup or artificial syrup. All kinds of grain products, from bread to pizza crust to pancakes, should be stricken from your list of acceptable foods. Your menu should likewise eliminate butter, cheese, milk, cream, ice cream, and anything else derived from cows.

The Paleo diet may seem a bit restrictive at first, but the lack of allergies, reduced chance of diabetes, and general feeling of energy and well being that you will experience on it will more than compensate for this. There are many superb recipes you can make for variety and gustatory enjoyment, and with the high protein focus of the diet, you will lose excess weight even without much exercise. Exercise regularly and you will be as lean and hardy as one of your Paleolithic forebears in no time!

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Snack Ideas For The Caveman Diet

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The Paleolithic diet, also known as the Paleo diet, is a dietary approach that is modeled after the stone age "caveman" food consumption. While practicing this diet, one generally focuses on eating meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. It also includes roots and nuts, but there are exclusions. There are no grain, dairy products, legumes or refined sugar and processed oils. This means that many snacks are automatically disqualified in this diet plan.

Snack Ideas For The Caveman Diet

While there are many items that are not included in the Paleo diet, there are simple things you can keep on hand to eat. Simple planning takes the guesswork out of snack foods on the Paleo diet plan.


There are many types of fruit and nut combinations that you can choose from. Many of these are even made into "eat on the go" bars, eliminating the need to prep food. While having pre-made snacks at home makes it easy to get a quick snack, you can also purchase a wide range of fruits and nuts and mix your own snacks. There are an endless array of combinations, with nuts such as pistachios or macadamias, or more traditional choices such as almonds and pecans, along with all types of dried fruits. You can use honey as a binding ingredient to create your own bars, or simply keep a mix in a baggie for a quick snack.


The Paleo diet is an opportunity to explore new vegetables, as well as to consume your favorites. Keep multiple choices on hand, such as fresh tomatoes, carrots, peppers, asparagus, zucchini, mushrooms, cauliflower, and squash. These can be eaten fresh, or quickly stir fried for an easy snack. New combinations can be created and used in unique ways.


While fruit intake is supposed to be kept minimal on the Paleo diet, it is fine in moderation. Many fruits are delicious eaten fresh, while many prefer to add some honey for a dessert snack. Ideas for fruits include apples, strawberries, kiwi, bananas and grapes. When purchasing produce, make sure that you consider the shelf life so you don't waste food. One way to make sure your fruit does not spoil is to purchase frozen fruits with a combination of fruits. This is an economically good choice for fruit long term, and the fruit can be thawed in about an hour, or quickly placed in the microwave.


Since the three main foods included in the Paleo diet are eggs, meat and vegetables, then making quiche in bulk and freezing some "mini quiches" are a great way to have a quick snack, or even a full meal. This is a time saver if you make your quiche all at once and simply take a snack out when needed, and adds a delicious snack to your list of options.

There are many other food ideas for snacks while on the Paleo diet. You are limited only by your creativity. The best way to find good snacks is to read up on some recipe ideas, and then keep ingredients on hand. When on any diet, the best chances of success are planning and purpose.

The Paleo diet has been a choice for diets for almost forty years, based on the fact that our bodies haven't changed since the caveman era. The food choices reflect what was eaten at the dawn of mankind, and even today, leaving out the preservatives and eating fresh, healthy food choices makes sense for many reasons.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

The ABC's Of Paleo Food Guide

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If you already heard about the Paleo diet, perhaps you're also aware of the foods included to create a healthy Paleo meal plan. If not, then might as well start putting it in plain words, speculations and all the trappings it entails.

The ABC's Of Paleo Food Guide

Paleo Diet, also known as Paleolithic Diet, Caveman Diet and Hunter-Gatherer Diet, is a type of diet based on the foods the ancient people eat during the Stone Age Era. Since they used hunting to source their food, their diet mainly included wild animal meat, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables.

In statistics, it was approximately 99% of what they ate all the time. The 1% is for stuff that they might have consumed occasionally or during the latter period of the era, when they learned how to settle in one area and is actually out of our scope of knowledge.

Considering the list of foods that one can eat in generous amounts, some that are in moderation and several that needs to be eliminated, it is natural to be confused and skeptical at first. However, since there is a wide selection of food guides, recipes and cookbooks, considering the Paleo diet might not be as hard as you thought it would be. And to give you a rough idea of the foods that you should and shouldn't eat. The list below might be helpful and somehow able to satisfy your curiosity.

First are the highly-encouraged foods. Any lean meat that is trimmed with visible fat will do-from pork and beef to goat and rabbit meat. Breasts of chicken, turkey and game hen are also good choices when it comes to poultry. Chicken, duck and goose eggs are also protein-enriched food so including them won't hurt.

You can also try organ meats as alternatives if you need to meet a budget because they are cheaper. Fish and shellfish are included as well so you won't have to worry about eating meat in all of your meals per day.

As for fruit, you can go from apple, berries and cantaloupes to pomegranate, tangerine and watermelon. That's how wide your selection is. Same goes for vegetables, though greens are the best, you can mix them with red and orange ones to make a nice blend of your nutrient intake.

As for the foods you should avoid, all dairy products, legumes, grains, starchy foods like cassava and potatoes, soft drinks and other drinks high in glycemic index and of course, sweets. Cavemen certainly were not fond of ice creams and candies in their time!

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Friday, July 27, 2012

The Truth About Anti Aging Skin Care Treatment - A Simple Guide

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This is an anti aging skin care guide that tells you some key truths you can't avoid:

The Truth About Anti Aging Skin Care Treatment - A Simple Guide

-- Why skin cream works best when you're taking care of your health;

-- What treatments and ingredients are dangerous;

-- What kind of anti aging skin care treatment has shown excellent results in clinical testing.

The skin killers are excessive sun, especially sunburn; smoking; and a diet high in sugar, starchy foods and dairy products.

Now, I'm not a fanatic about the sun. I regularly get some sunshine and fresh air. Sunlight is the natural, free source of abundant vitamin D, which most of us in modern countries are lacking. Vitamin D is essential for good health.

But avoid getting sunburned. That's very important.

Most people, even smokers, will agree that smoking is bad for you. Smoking has been shown to cause aging skin, you probably know that, so no lectures here.

But most people don't know that the food you eat makes a big difference in your skin.

Loren Cordain of the University of Colorado, is a researcher on the Paleo diet our ancestors ate. In many studies, he showed that it's possible today to eat similar foods to our ancestors.

When we do, we can eliminate acne when nothing else has worked. (Dermatologists have been telling people for decades that diet has nothing to do with acne. It turns out those "experts" are dead wrong.)

Just as important -- eating right can reverse aging markers, measured by exact scientific standards!

The foods that make the difference are: lean meats and fish; non-starchy vegetables and fruits; and healthy oils, like omega 3 fish oils, canola oil and olive oil.

The foods that make us fat, diabetic, and struggling with heart disease are the same ones that cause acne and wrinkled, sagging skin. They are refined sugar, fatty meats, dairy products and the starchy foods. That includes milk, cheese, grains, cereals, bread, pasta and potatoes. It also includes most vegetable oils that we used to be told were great for health, like soybean oil, to take the most popular example.

The harsh anti aging skin care treatments include dermabrasion (scraping off the outer layer of skin), chemical peels (irritating the skin so the top layer peels off), and cosmetic surgery. All are relatively expensive, none nourish the skin in any way, all have some nasty possible side effects, and all of them have to be repeated as their effects fade.

I avoid them for all those reasons, and I would be a hypocrite to recommend them.

Some dangerous ingredients, I'm sorry to say, are very common in so-called anti aging skin care treatments:

-- The petroleum byproducts, including mineral oil by any of its names, liquid paraffin, paraffin wax, petrolatum and petroleum. They block pores, encourage acne and rapid skin aging, can cause photo-sensitivity so your skin sunburns more easily, and strip your skin's natural oils, leaving your skin drier than ever.

-- Fragrances are a huge variety of chemicals, many toxic. Many affect the central nervous system, causing irritability and depression. Avoid fragrances in skin creams. A light body spray is much better if you just want to smell nice. It doesn't have to be rubbed onto the skin, which causes much more to be absorbed.

-- Acrylamide, common in skin creams, is suspected of causing breast tumors.

-- Polyethylene glycol (PEG), suspected of being carcinogenic.

There's a more complete list on my website.

What works

The main causes of aging skin are well known and widely studied. Anti aging creams can only work by reversing those causes. The most important are:

-- Loss of collagen and elastin, the key proteins the give skin its firmness and elasticity;

-- Loss of hyaluronan or hyaluronic acid, which you might think of as the "glue" that holds collagen and elastin in youthful, healthy skin.

-- Oxidation damage from free radicals in the skin, when your skin is lacking antioxidants from lack of nourishment.

In fact, every one of those can be reversed.

See my website for some modern ingredients which have shown in clinical trials they actually reverse all the major causes of skin aging and make an effective anti aging skin care treatment.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Paleo Diet - Nutritional Differences Between The Current Western Diet

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We know that time has installed many changes in our lifestyle, so much so that today we have a totally different diet of our ancestors. To clearly notice the changes in food quality, we show you the nutritional differences between the Paleo diet and Western diet today.

The Paleo Diet - Nutritional Differences Between The Current Western Diet

Recall that in the Paleolithic humans were hunter gatherers, dominated by vegetables, raw fruits and game meats of all kinds. But today, dominated by processed foods on natural and fresh. So, below is a table where you can see the nutritional changes that have occurred over time and we can compare our diet and our ancestors with current recommendations.

If you look closely you will see that despite a high consumption of meat, fats in the diet of Paleolithic were much lower than the current ratio and polyunsaturated fatty acids (AGP) / saturated fatty acids (SFA) were better, this is that the game animals were lean, had a high level of activity and fed with natural products so your fat percentage was lower and the quality of it better than we have in today's meat.

We can clearly see a change in the amount of fiber consumed, primarily due to the high fat processing of our foods today, and because of this, we have a high sodium intake that far exceeds that of our ancestors.

The cholesterol level was similar as we can see, due by the high consumption of meat and today, it also and even more consumption of meats, sausages, cheeses and more.

While today we have many dairy products, calcium intake is lower and this is due to low intake of foods that are naturally in the mineral, for example, nuts and seeds. Furthermore, the antioxidant level marked by vitamin C in this case, also greatly reduced.

In conclusion, our diet has changed much, especially with regard to quality of ingested fats and micro-nutrients we get to what we eat. Undoubtedly, these differences deserve to know to understand a bit more why our ancestors were healthier with what they ate (and also because they moved much more) than we are today.

Of course, those with a Paleo diet will have some differences from the Western diet that is referenced here, it is this model of diet which tends to globalize and expand globally, but with nuances of each country and culture.

So do not ever eat anything that has to do with the agricultural revolution, that is, neither cereals nor derivatives, forget the cheese and yogurt, eat as their ancestors did and get to eat so much donuts and that crap, run through the meadow for sports as men did and imagine Paleolithic behind him being chased by a saber tooth, eat lean meat, vegetables and nuts and become a true Cro-Magnon who goes in search of natural harmony, let the pansy and start to decorate your home with style Lascaux bison.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Crossfit: The Way Your Body Was Meant To Train!

Paleo List :

After reading Mark Rippetoe and Lon Kilgore's book, called "Starting Strength", I now know more than ever why Multi-joint exercises and functional movement reigns supreme to condition the body.

Crossfit: The Way Your Body Was Meant To Train!

Rippetoe and Kilgore say that "Physical strength, more than any other thing we possess, still determines the quality and the quantity of our time here in these bodies." I know what they mean. As a health provider, I can think of a few categories I could add to the list of important things to possess for a long healthy life, such as, immune system, mental health, etc. But, we could easily miss the point. They are not saying that other things are not important. Rather, they are examining what is the bare essential to "exist" in "this body" we are inhabiting for the next few decades.

Take a walk through a hospital, or a nursing home, if you need some insight or motivation. Look at all the people that have lost their strength, they are too weak to walk, sit up in bed, or even feed themselves.

That is one of my biggest fears...

Being trapped in a broken down body!

It is the foundation of living in the physical world.

The best news is its something we can all work on.

How many of us know how to get our immune systems in shape? Hopefully, you will learn by reading my blog, The Health Fixer, but working on our physical bodies is something we can all do.

How many hours per day or per week do you have available to commit to your physical health?

It's a great question.

Because then you need to ask yourself what type of exercise is worth spending your time on.

My daughter Lily is doing High School Cheerleading, along with Lacrosse and Track.

She is required to do tumbling runs consisting of a double back-handspring, followed by a back tuck (flip), and then lift, and press her teammates into the air.

These are all functional movements, in other words they require multiple joints working in unison under a load.

A bicep curl, involves the bending of the elbow to raise the weight. One joint.

Again it looks good, but it is not very practical in everyday life. My wrestling coach used to tell us that training the biceps as an isolated exercise was a waste of time unless perhaps you were a gymnast. However, when you go to any gym, that's what people spend an awful lot of time on... bicep curls!

My coach explained that most sports need shoulders, back, butt, core, forearms and grip, and the power that comes from powerful hips and the posterior chain of muscles that run along the back of our bodies. The part we can't see in the mirror!

A snatch, involves multiple joints.

Multiple joint exercises trains the body the way it was meant to move.

Rippetoe and Kilgore say that "The human body functions as a complete system- it works that way, and it likes to be trained that way. It doesn't like to be separated into its constituent components and then have those components exercised separately, since the strength obtained from training will not be utilized in this way. The general pattern of strength acquisition must be the same as that in which the strength will be used."

They go on to say, "Properly performed, full range-of-motion barbell exercises are essentially the functional expression of human skeletal and muscular anatomy under a load."

It depends what your goal is... If you want to look good, then single joint exercises will help you meet your goals. If you want to live long, and be able to jump, climb, drag, row, run, skip, thrust, reach, push, pull, bounce, spin, hop, and roll throughout your life then do exercises that challenge those movements under a load, then start to do functional movements with a load! At this point you may think, why do I want to do those things anyway. But the inability to do those things defines your physical presence here on the planet. Imagine what its like to not be able to reach down and pick up your grandkid off the carpet(multiple joint movement). All those things (run, jump, climb, etc) are either 'freedoms' or 'limitations'. It's your choice.

That's why I love crossfit!

The beauty of crossfit, is its scalable. Meaning the load and rate of exercise can be varied to meet the age, size, sex, and needs of the individual. So, if the exercise requires lifting a bar from the floor to an overhead position, then the person can lift a broomstick, or an Olympic barbell with many plates on either end!

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Nourishing Your Inner Caveman Isn't That Hard!

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Tips To Help Nourish Your Inner Caveman

Nourishing Your Inner Caveman Isn't That Hard!

When you begin this new way of eating, you may try hard but end up slipping up, either because of time or misconceptions. Below are several meal-planning tips to help you start nourishing your inner caveman properly!

Eat as many fruits and vegetables as you want. In fact, the more you eat, the better. You can add fresh raw tomatoes as a side dish to just about any meal, including breakfast! Stuff your omelets with your favorite vegetables. Eat a large bowl of fruit for breakfast. There are plenty of ways to enjoy these nutritionally powerful foods without feeling as if you're eating the same old foods every day.

Limit snacking on dried fruits. Technically, you should eliminate all dried fruit. It spikes your glycemic index far too fast. But if you just can't stay away from this type of food, at least try to eat it in moderation. Substitute other snacks -- even moderate amounts of nuts and seeds -- instead of snacking on dehydrated fruit.

Armed with all of this, you're well on your way to nourishing your inner caveman. You're beginning a new journey that will take you into the future healthier and with more vitality, by using the wisdom and evidence of the past. Ironic isn't it?

As you travel, you may encounter a few bumps in the road. Don't let that stop you. Don't let it discourage you. Just take your new eating habits, one meal at a time. You'll discover it's easy to keep on track this way!

Consider the following few tips, tricks, and techniques -- a cheat sheet for your new lifestyle. This succinct list can be a constant reminder of how simple it is to succeed. Review this regularly. Every time you read it, you'll find a different secret you can use to propel you to success!

Below are six tips guaranteed to help you transform your inner caveman from a malnourished ghost into a healthy, robust part of your life!

1. When you eat meat, your first choice should be that from pasture-raised and grass-fed animals. If this isn't possible, choose the leanest cuts of meat.

2. Eliminate, as much as possible, all cereal grains and legumes (and remember the peanut is really a legume in disguise!).

3. If it comes in a box, don't eat it. You can't get much clearer than that, can you? One of the first steps is to stop eating all packaged and processed foods. Yes, I realize you may have to wean yourself off of these. And that's fine. You're at least taking the first step.

4. Say goodbye to dairy products. For me, this was the most difficult part of the program. The only dairy products you can safely eat are butter and small amounts of heavy cream.

5. Eat only when you're hungry. Don't stress if you skip an occasional meal. You will soon get back in touch with your body and it'll let you know when you're hungry!

6. Whenever possible, eat your fruits and vegetables fresh. And eat them without many condiments or sauces. Your ancient caveman didn't set up a fondue pot over his fire.

These tips will help you initially navigate your new eating habits. Soon you won't need them at all.

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

How Can Athletes Embrace the Paleo Diet?

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For athletes, eating lots of carbohydrate enriched foods is a vital matter. Carbohydrates are one of the sources that provide us the energy that we need to function. The digestive system converts these compounds into glucose, a form of blood sugar, which then are used by every cell, tissue and organ inside of our body. Considering the intensity of activities that athletes subject themselves into, some speculations have already been raised about whether Paleo diet is applicable for athletes or not.

How Can Athletes Embrace the Paleo Diet?

Since there are lots of different foods that athletes need, but are not included in the Paleo food lists; Loren Cordain, the author of The Paleo Diet, made some adjustments especially for athletes. They can consume carbs during the post-workout period and follow the rest of the diet plan afterwards. There's actually a custom generated five-stage program to correlate with an athlete's training.

The first stage is to eat before exercise and eat during the activity constitutes the second. Next is to eat 30 minutes after the workout, followed by the third which is performing a short-term exercise and lastly, the fourth, which constitutes long-term exercise. Along with these, there are many recommended foods that can be eaten during a specific stage.

First on the list, obviously, are fruits and vegetables. Chicken, turkey and ostrich meat are also good beside pork and red meats. Sea foods like mussels, shrimps and oysters are also included together with macadamia and walnuts, seeds like sesame and sunflower.

Moreover, athletes who follow Paleo diet are reported to feel healthier, train harder, able to get rid of aggravating migraines, insomnia, allergies and reduced feeling of stress. Of course, whether you believe these claims or not, think about a Paleolithic man. They lived off of chasing around and hunting wild animals most of the day.

They survived eating meats, fruits and nuts while doing all that running and other taxing activities and managed to endure the harsh conditions and demands of the Stone Age, in a very excellent manner. Considering these facts, they were still able to live on to propagate the next generation without eating burgers, cakes and energy drink. They were athletes in their own way and they certainly spent their long lives without suffering from weak heart and bones.

So the claims of the Paleo diet being unsuitable for athletes seem to be quite erroneous and based on simple whims and fancies. Athletes are encouraged to try this diet out and then decide for themselves.

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Friday, July 20, 2012

What Is the Paleo Diet?

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This diet plan originated millions of years ago and it is referred to as the "Cavemen", "Stone Age" or the "Hunter Gatherer" diet. This diet is known as our ancestors' way of eating. Thousands of years ago, people were taller, more slender, athletic, healthier and more versatile. This is because people from the Paleo generation have a healthier immune system due to the naturally fresh food they eat and the kind of work they do in search for survival. During this era, people ate fresh meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, and other natural foods. Their foods are packed with all the natural vitamins and nutrition that their bodies need. They ate foods which have more calories, but less fat needed for energy each day. Their regular diet helps them get the prescribed controlled weight and it contributed to maintain their natural strength, mind power and endurance.

What Is the Paleo Diet?

Today, a lot of people are overweight, high in cholesterol, stressed, suffering from depression, listlessness, and dying from diseases that can actually be prevented. Several reasons behind these situations depend on the quality of food eaten and the quantity of daily food intake. The immune system simply protects threats against various diseases and in how to overcome them will depend upon proper diet.

The Paleo diet helps with the avoidance of different diseases and chronic illnesses of our times. It helps with the prevention of obesity, hypertension, diabetes, intestinal problems, autoimmune illnesses, and depression. It also acts as an acne treatment for people with skin problems.

Here is a list of foods included in the Paleo diet plan:

1. Fresh fruits: apple, avocado, banana, blueberry, guava, mango and other seasonal fruits which are high in fiber.

2. Fresh green leafy vegetables

3. Nuts: almonds and hazelnuts

4. Grass fed animals: cows, goats, and other livestock

5. Feathered animals: chicken, duck, and turkey

6. Seafoods: tuna, salmon, cod, flatfish and other shellfish varieties.

7. Fats: coconut, olive oil, grape juice and other healthy fats

Here is a list of foods which should be avoided:

1. Dairy products: milk, cheese, cream, butter, ice cream, and other related products

2. Prepared foods: baked goods, sugar, candies, chocolates and other sweet condiments

3. Cereal grains: whole wheat, rice, pasta, crackers, cookies, white and wild rice.

4. Legumes: black and red beans, lima beans, lentils, peas, soya beans, and peanuts

5. Starchy vegetables: potatoes and sweet potatoes

6. Processed food: canned meat and fish, bacon, hotdogs, dried and smoked fish and meat

7. Carbonated drinks: canned, bottled, and sugary drinks

People should be aware of the changes in our society which affects our dietary needs. Basic food needs have generally been different since agriculture such as farming and processed foods have been introduced. Chemical, nitrogen and other unnatural fertilizers affected our farm products; thus, affects the health of the populace. Hence, people should be conscious of the right kinds of food for a healthy lifestyle.

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Everyday Paleo Diet Recipes

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Well being and fitness nuts and exercise buffs browsing for a lengthy in addition to easy-to-follow diet should find that the Paleo food regimen will be one of the finest selections to a more healthy life, plus Paleo diet meal plans are on the list of best-tasting healthy foods ever.

Everyday Paleo Diet Recipes

In place of trying to approach being on a diet being an endeavor that restricts our affection for foodstuff and also takes away the tastiness of every dinner, you ought to go for a more natural and sustainable diet plan. The majority of weight loss plans fail due to individuals feel unfulfilled with regards to below passable effects, or they comprehend they cannot sustain the requirements about the food plan during lengthy time periods.

Easy Cooking for Paleo Diet Recipes

As such why the Paleo food plan had been brought to the fore. Your best choice to preserve your required body weight and also improve our strength plus stamina is to devour similar foodstuffs which our historic predecessors feasted upon. The situation with the latest diet fads is since will not give you varieties of food choices to include in your food. On the other hand, diet recipes of Paleo let you mix and match your favorite meats, vegetables and also ingredients to produce the ideal Paleo meal.

The best thing with regards to being on a diet the Paleolithic manner is the fact you can tailor your meals freely and enjoy meals that you just like the most. There are of course a number of restrictions namely keeping clear of processed foods and from sweets, but this really is just similar to how any other diet programs.

In fact, this diet recipes are fashioned to comply to the taste buds of individuals. Ingesting like our hunter-gatherer ancestors will not mean that you should devour raw meat and raw vegetables. What the Paleo guides you through is known as a back-to-basics mentality-we should eat only the things which are good for the health and wellness and discount everything else.

Paleo Diet Recipes for Good Nutritional Consumption

The linchpin of the diet is facilitating nutritional consumption through every last meal that we eat. We throw out processed, salty and sweet cuisine basically because they include absolutely no nutritive value anyway, and may even result in critical health problems over time.

However, there is no need to compromise taste and visual passion for the sake of nutritional consumption. Diet recipes are usually not overzealous or exotic meals which may only be cooked through unique ways and fancy equipment. In truth, the food preparation techniques which are used by our grandmothers could be the very same things that we need to learn as a way to cook dishes the Paleo way. That's the beauty of the diet recipes of Paleo.

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Symptom Assessment, Food Diary and Elimination Diet in Food Intolerance and Allergy - A Primer

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Celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, cow's milk protein sensitivity and other food intolerance may be associated with numerous digestive and non-digestive symptoms. Some of the most common non-digestive symptoms include fatigue or sense of being overly tired, headaches, bone, joint and/or muscle pain, mental fogginess or impaired attention, nerve pain (neuropathy), and painful or severely itchy skin rashes. The most common digestive symptoms include feeling of excess fullness with meals or afterwards, bloating or distended abdomen, diarrhea, excess or foul gas, constipation, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Symptom Assessment, Food Diary and Elimination Diet in Food Intolerance and Allergy - A Primer

Rating the severity and frequency of common symptoms, in particularly creating and tracking your own individual "Top Ten Symptoms" will be very helpful to you and your doctor, especially when combined with a detailed food-symptom diary. In addition to medical tests like blood work, stool samples, and endoscopic exams, assessing symptoms for severity and frequency before, during and after an elimination diet trial is critical. This helps determine if certain foods are causing or aggravating your symptoms.

The foundation of treating food intolerance usually includes an elimination diet. Prior to an elimination diet, a food diary is usually kept and reviewed for trends by a doctor. In the context of your medical history, symptoms, family history and medical evaluation a medical evaluation is usually recommended that may include blood and stool tests, skin testing for food allergens, and scope examinations of the upper and/or lower digestive tract. Your medical evaluation however could vary widely based your doctor's experience, specialty, biases about food allergies or intolerance and your history, symptoms and age.

Before seeing a doctor for an evaluation for possible food intolerance or allergy you should establish an initial symptom's list that includes your baseline rating of the frequency and severity of your symptoms. This should be done before making any change in your diet or eating pattern. A scale of 1-5 or 1-10 is commonly used to rate symptom severity and frequency. Within 2-3 weeks I will be publishing a very inexpensive symptom-food diary. You may try using a spiral notebook to record what you eat and track at least weekly your personal "Top Ten" list of the most common or troubling symptoms by severity and frequency. With a written record, you and your doctor can more easily track your progress and identify any trends.

For 28 days, I recommend you eliminate all grains, legumes, and dairy as well as processed foods. Foods in those categories are the most common foods that cause people problems. In those categories you find the foods that have commonly identified food proteins, lectins, gluten or casein that are known or suspected to cause symptoms. The foundation for the elimination diet is commonly referred to as the paleolithic, neanderthal, hunter-gatherer, caveman or simply Paleo diet as popularized by the health scientist Loren Cordain, Ph.D. in his numerous scientific publications and book The Paleo Diet.

The basis for the initial diet consists of lean meats and fish (unless fish allergic), fresh fruits and vegetables with additional foods eliminated based on your personal history. For example, you eliminate any foods that are specific to you based on any known food allergies, intolerance or suspected food intolerance because of your genetics, family history, presence of nasal, pollen or skin allergies, or prior medical tests. In particular, certain foods are known to cause reactions in some people who have documented allergies to grass, weeds, and/or tree pollens, house dust mite and latex. The latter food sensitivity association is well recognized clinically as the oral allergy syndrome (OAS). The modification of the Paleo diet based on individual assessment I have termed the Neo-Paleo Specific Diet.

4 weeks or 28 days of following your Neo-Paleo Specific Diet is recommended before attempting to re-introduce foods one at a time, every week to two weeks, while continuing to track your symptoms. This allows your gut time to heal and establish a long enough time to establish a pattern of adequate diet elimination and symptom pattern assessment. Theoretically, this should allow those with dietary induced gut injury or irritation associated with any "leaky gut" predisposition to heal adequately to reduce abnormal immune reactions or absorption of foods and/or food derived proteins and gut bacteria. It also may take some time for you to identify hidden sources of possible problem foods and adjust to your new eating pattern.

You should also be aware that some people experience classic withdrawal like symptoms in the first 3-7 days of eliminating certain foods, in particular grains and dairy products. Gluten, in products made from wheat, and casein, in products containing cow's milk, contain morphine like substances. These can be addictive.

The key to determining if certain foods are contributing to how you feel and the kinds of symptoms you are experiencing, is an adequate trial of elimination combined with accurate recording of what you eat and how you feel. A commitment of 4 weeks strictly eliminating the foods recommended according to your specific assessment while recording accurately what you are eating and how you feel will help you identify patterns and stay motivated to eliminate, restrict or rotate regularly any problem foods.

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

List of Autoimmune Diseases, Could You Have One?

Paleo List :

Definition - "Autoimmune diseases are illnesses and conditions that result from an overactive immune response to substances, tissues, and organs, normally present in the body. The immune system attacks its own cells due to the system mistaking part of the body as a pathogen."

List of Autoimmune Diseases, Could You Have One?

The list of autoimmune diseases, more than 100 of them to date, reads like an encyclopedia of modern illnesses. By far, the largest category of diseases under study by scientists, medical professionals and organizations (like the Center for Disease Control - CDC, and the National Institute of Health - NIH), specific autoimmune diseases are named, based upon the organ or tissue being attacked by the body's natural defenses.

Included in the list of autoimmune diseases, "autoimmune inner ear disease," also known as Meniers Disease, antibodies/immune cells attack the inner ear leading to hearing loss and vertigo. In "autoimmune multiple sclerosis," the immune system attacks the protective coating, myelin, around the nerves affecting the brain and spinal cord and causing muscle weakness, loss of coordination, and vision and speech difficulties.

"Autoimmune fibromyalgia" is probably the most widely known of the list of autoimmune diseases, in which muscle and tendon tissues are under attack by the immune system. This gives rise to a variety of symptoms including body tenderness, painful trigger points, extreme fatigue and a variety of other conditions which include insomnia, anxiety, headaches, hypersensitivity to sounds, lights, temperature, etc.

The treatment of different autoimmune diseases varies, but steroids, anti-inflamatory drugs, and immunosuppressant's, are widely used to treat the list of autoimmune diseases. New treatments and medications are being developed all the time. If you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, working one-on-one with a specialist in the treatment of your disease, and self-education about your specific illness, will help you to cope.

The self-education part of managing your disease is vital to your ability to overcome the symptoms. Many foods are catalysts in the list of autoimmune diseases.... meaning, they trigger an autoimmune response in the body. Avoiding allergens and autoimmune triggers requires some research and record-keeping on your part, although your doctor may be able to give you a list of foods and medications to avoid.

In the case of these chronic autoimmune illnesses, inflammation of the body's tissues is caused at lease in part, by the lack of proper blood flow to the affected tissues. This makes it easier for the immune system to attack those tissues because they're already weakened. The entire list of autoimmune diseases and their symptoms can be treated naturally and effectively by improvements to your overall health. In some cases, like autoimmune fibromyalgia and autoimmune chronic fatigue syndrome, nutritional benefits can include symptom control. Improving your diet by including a good source of protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants is one way you can manage your disease and your life. For more information on natural treatments of diseases like fibromyalgia, you can contact me now by clicking on one of the links below.

Find out how to survive fibromyalgia!

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Paleo Diet Meal Plan: Tips for a Successful Paleo Diet

Paleo List :

This article assumes that you are already familiar with the Paleo diet and now want to adopt it for yourself. The "Paleo diet" has an obscure sounding name and lots of seemingly bizarre rules: no bread or beans? Despite the list of dos and don'ts, the theory is the easy part, the doing it is the hard part.

Paleo Diet Meal Plan: Tips for a Successful Paleo Diet

Eat only what the earliest humans ate.

It's that simple. What isn't so simple is keeping your commitment. If you're like me, or most humans really, goal setting easy. How many New Year's Resolutions have you made? How many have you fulfilled? So before you jump into the Paleo diet only to abandon it a few days in, set yourself up for success.

Make a Paleo diet meal plan

My least favorite part about adopting a new healthy eating regiment is that invariably the cookbooks will list out recipes which require ingredients I don't have. Since you can't buy 1 tablespoon of paprica, I end up buying a whole bottle... and more than I need of countless other ingredients. Meal plans are tedious, boring, and rigid. "I'll just go with the flow," I tell myself. The problem is that going with the flow requires a mastery which I do not yet posses. I need a Paleo diet meal plan because if I don't have one, I'll end up eating unseasoned chicken breast and apples for every meal of every day. That is not sustainable.

You can make a plan yourself or find one online but you need a plan. A goal without a plan is only a fantasy. Map out what you'll eat for the next 1 - 4 weeks. You don't need an exact meal by meal "I have to eat this Tuesday for lunch" but you should have enough meals to get you through. You should also make sure you have enough breakfasts, enough lunches, enough dinners, and enough snacks. Never underestimate snacking. If you don't plan for snacks, you'll either ditch your Paleo diet meal plan immediately and opt for a non-Paleo snack or you'll be so hungry when meal time comes around that you don't stick to the Paleo diet meal plan. You don't want that. Include a variety of foods in case you're just not in the mood for something and make sure you, at least in the beginning, stick with what you know. If you can't prepare, or don't really like, the food you're eating, you won't stick to your Paleo diet meal plan.

Evolve: if humans did it, so can you.

Start with foods you know and like but don't stay there. Gradually introduce new foods into your Paleo diet meal plan over time. Your first week should be only foods you know and love. Your second week, try to eat something new once per day. After that, try to incorporate something new and unusual into every meal. A key component to the Paleo diet is variety. Hunter-Gatherers didn't have the luxury of a grocery store, or even a Paleo diet meal plan; they ate what was available. You need to intentionally branch out in the beginning because we have been conditioned to only eat certain types of food (cereal, bacon, eggs, and toast for breakfast; a turkey sandwich for lunch, pasta or casserole for dinner).

Ultimately, a written meal plan and specific commitment are crucial for your success in converting to a Paleo diet. Hey, if humans could do it before the invention of indoor plumbing, I think you can handle it too.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Advantages of Paleo Diet: Losing Weight and More

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When we mull over different ways and methods to lose weight, we somehow miss the true concept of eating 'healthy'. No wonder that people are increasingly trying to 'diet' by skipping meals, or flitting from one fad diet to another.

Advantages of Paleo Diet: Losing Weight and More

The quest for the ideal diet continues unendingly, and we seem to have developed this impression that going on a diet means computing calorie intake per day, taking lots of water and fasting to the extent of actually starving yourself. Eating 'healthy' seems to be last on the list.

There are diet regimens that encourage reduction of food consumption, but Paleo diet is thankfully not one of them. In fact, it promotes eating as much as you deem it appropriate while following a food guide that contains a specific list of foods.

This list includes only foods that a Paleolithic man has eaten during his life as a cave dweller and a hunter. It encourages one to eat foods high in protein and fat while consuming less of carbohydrates and starchy foods or eliminating them totally if possible. Because of the reduction of carbohydrate intake, the person is inclined to eat more meat and fruits as alternatives to cereals, dairy products and legumes.

Even though there are criticisms thrown against the concept of Paleo diet, the advantages can certainly outweigh the cons and speculations it roused from the critics. Yes, it can be restrictive because of the limited supply of carbohydrates which converts the glucose that we need to function. But grains and other foods that are high in carbs are not the only sources of energy.

There are other substitutes like fruits and vegetables to make up for the carb content, and they can provide the essential nutrients to our body.

If our ancestors could comfortably live off of only meats of wild animals and fruits to survive, why can't we survive on the Paleo diet that is based on the same concept?

Aside from acting as a contributing factor in weight loss, studies also show that this diet can also help in treating neurological disorders like Parkinson's disease. By eliminating gluten from the diet which is found in cereals and legumes, and sugar which is included as one of the foods to avoid in the Paleo food list, it might help reverse or eliminate one of the common symptoms associated with this disease, which are tremors. It also lowers the chance of having cardiovascular disorders, diabetes mellitus and many types of cancer.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Paleo Foods That You Should Avoid and Why

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Paleo food lists contain what you should eat, should restrict, and what you should eat only in moderation. Obviously, what you should eat are the ones that are healthy for you and are the foods that will provide you with vitamins and nutrients. What you should eat in moderation are the foods that do not do the body any good, or too much of it is harmful to the health. What you should restrict are foods that are unhealthy, unnecessary, and can even cause diseases and illnesses.

Paleo Foods That You Should Avoid and Why

In the Paleo diet dairy, grains, beans, potatoes and other starchy root vegetables are not allowed. Here's why, and here are the lists of foods that you should stay away from:

Dairy - dairy is one food group that people find hard to let go of in their diet. Some are even skeptical about restricting dairy because they think we need dairy in our diets. We need calcium, but the truth is we do not really need dairy. Dairy is not the only source of calcium; vegetables can also provide us with enough calcium for our bodily functions. Besides, the cave men did not even have dairy products and they did not have osteoporosis either.

Lactose, casein, carbohydrates and sugar are the reasons why dairy isn't allowed in the Paleo diet. Our bodies don't need any more sugar and carbohydrates and we don't need lactose and casein in our diets. Many people are allergic to these substances and our bodies don't digest them well. Dairy products that you should stay away from are:

Ice cream
Dairy creamer
Skim milk
Whole milk
Powdered milk

Grains, beans and potatoes - These three are big no-no's in the Paleo diet for several reasons. First, the Paleo diet is about imitating the diet of our ancestors in the Paleolithic era and these three foods were already developed in the Neolithic era during the development of agriculture. A second reason is that because these foods are mass produced, and unless they are organic, they contain chemicals that were sprayed onto them to protect them until harvest and to make them bigger. The soil that they were grown in also contains fertilizers.

The third and most important reason is that grains, beans, potatoes and other starchy vegetables are rich sources of carbohydrates. While we need carbohydrates in our diet, we do not need excessive amounts. The Paleo diet already has enough carbohydrates. Carbohydrates tend to increase the body's blood sugar levels and these three examples have a high glycemic index (meaning they increase the blood sugar levels upon digestion more than the usual). High consumptions of carbohydrates can cause diabetes and other diseases. Examples of grains, beans and starchy vegetables that you should avoid are:


Peanut butter

Starchy vegetables:
Sweet potato
Cassava root
Tapioca pudding

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Paleo Snack

Paleo List :

So firstly what is the paleo diet and more importantly what would be considered a good paleo snack.

Paleo Snack

The paleo diet or as it is also known "The Caveman Diet" is a holistic way of eating that tries to mimic how humans ate over 10,000 years ago during the 'paleolithic' period.

The plan promotes a nutrient 'dense rich' in meats, fruits, seafoods, eggs, berries, nuts, seeds and vegetables whilst at the same time eliminating dairy, grains and legumes. Processed foods and foods supplemented with refined sugars, additives, preservatives and chemicals that you find in all modern day foods.

Examples Of A Good Paleo Snack Include:

Vegetable Sticks

  • Cucumber - Cut in 1/2 half. Then divide halves vertically into sixth.
  • Carrots - Make nutritious carrot sticks.
  • Celery - Make sure you remove strings then make sticks approx. 4 inches in length.
  • Bowl of fresh radishes (remove stems, wash and drain).

Tomato Mint Basil Salad Recipe

- 5 tomatoes sliced in quarters
- Fresh Basil
- Fresh Mint
- Olive Oil
- Balsamic Dressing

- Mix all ingredients well and refrigerate for approximately 30 minutes


Grilled Peaches

Cut peaches into halves, cover with a dash of either lemon or lime juice. Then lightly grill.

Banana Chip Recipe (personally this is my favourite paleo snack)

- 4 ripe bananas
- 4 tablespoons fresh lime or lemon juice
- 2 tablespoons cinnamon or nutmeg

- Pre-heat oven 200 degrees F
- Finely cut bananas in horizontal slices
- Line baking sheets lined with parchment paper.

- Cover slices with lime or lemon juice
- Sprinkle chips with cinnamon or nutmeg (to taste)
- Bake for 1 hour flip slice and continue to bake for additional 1 or until bananas completely dry.

- Total baking time approximately 2-2.5 hours.
- Remove from oven.
- Let banana chips cool. Chip will become crisper when cool.
- Put cooled banana chips in airtight container

Chocolate Paleo Snack Cake
Ingredients Needed
• 10 "medjool" dates, pitted
• 1 cup of unsweetened applesauce
• 3 eggs
• 1/2 cup coconut oil
• 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
• 1/2 cup coconut flour
• 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
• 1 teaspoon baking soda
• 1/2 teaspoon fine celtic sea salt
• 1/2 cup strong brewed coffee

1. Place the "medjool" dates in a food processor and pulse until completely pureed.
2. Add applesauce and continue to pulse until pureed and combined with the dates.
3. Add the fruit purée to the bowl of a stand mixer, add the eggs, vanilla, coconut oil and coffee and mix on low-medium speed until well combined.
4. Combine the dry ingredients in a separate bowl.
5. Slowly add the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and mix on low-speed, scraping down the sides, until you have a smooth batter.
6. Grease a 8×8 glass pan with coconut oil, pour in the batter and smooth it with the back of a spatula.
7. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick stuck in the middle comes out clean.

Makes 9-12 servings
Make a batch of these chocolate paleo snack cakes to delight your kids or invite some friends over for coffee or tea time.

As you can see the list of foods that you can use to make a fantastic mouth watering paleo snack is almost limitless. Just use your imagination to create some wonderful, but more importantly really healthy snacks to help you diet but also help you obtain a healthy body.

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Basics of Paleo Foods

Paleo List :

Paleo foods are high protein, low sodium and low sugar. While there are lists regarding which foods are accepted in the Paleo diet and which are not, we will discuss below the basic guidelines on what makes a food a "Paleo food".

Basics of Paleo Foods

High protein - our bodies need protein for growth, maintenance and the repair of our cells. Protein is mostly what makes up our muscles, organs and tissues which is why it is very important in every single process that occurs in our bodies. It is also what makes our bones strong as well as our nails and hair. Protein is important in the production of antibodies, which fight off illnesses and infections.

Good sources of protein are meat, poultry, dairy and fish but since the Paleo diet restricts eating of dairy products, it makes up for it by being a high protein diet and requires protein in about every meal.

Low sodium - salt is not something that one would think of when considering what's harmful to the body and it really isn't. It can only be harmful when it is being taken in amounts not tolerable by the body. Unfortunately though, the majority of us take too much of it. Too much is more than one teaspoon. Too much salt accounts for almost half of fatal strokes and many cases of heart disease.

You may have tried to limit the amount of salt that you add when flavoring your meal, but the salt that is dangerous is the salt that you are not aware of. We are all unconsciously consuming excessive amounts of salt from processed foods, canned goods, and even from condiments. There are even loads of salt in tomato sauces, canned soups and just about everything else that is pre-mixed and ready to cook that you find in the grocery store.

Low sugar - The average American consumes two to three pounds of sugar every week. This is just way too much for our bodies to handle. We all know that too much sugar can cause diabetes but this isn't the only disease that can stem from excessive intake of sugar. Basically, we can become very unhealthy when we consume too much sugar and this can lead to a lot of complications and malfunctions in the body.

This is why the Paleo diet is a low sugar diet. As much as possible, one should only get the sugar that the body needs from fruits. This way, the sugar that goes into the body is all natural. In the effort of people to lower sugar intake, they opt for sugar-free foods but this can be harmful to the health, because artificial sugar is of no good and cannot be processed by the body in a healthy way.

Reading labels is another conscious effort of people to control what they eat and when looking for sugar in food labels, you may not see exactly what you are looking for because sugar is labeled as sucralose, agave syrup, stevia and so on which can be quite deceiving but they are all just different forms of sugar. This is why the Paleo diet is a low-sugar diet, to eliminate as much as possible the intake of sugar whether it is artificial or natural sugar.

These are the reasons why the Paleo diet is what it is and following it will lessen your risks of the many illnesses that come with an uncontrolled diet. These rules are established based on facts and with the best intentions of providing optimal health to those who follow it. Now that you have a better understanding of the restrictions and freedom of the diet, you will find it easier to stick to the diet and enjoy the process of becoming healthier.

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Three Tips to Throwing a Fantastic Holiday Party - Paleo Style!

Paleo List :

More and more people are realizing the benefits of eating a menu of natural, gluten-free and preservative-free foods. Moms all over the world are joining Crossfit gyms and adapting their meal plans to incorporate more paleo meals - and are seeing tremendous benefits from it.

Three Tips to Throwing a Fantastic Holiday Party - Paleo Style!

But the holiday season is right around the corner and sticking to a menu of healthy foods can be a trying time for anyone. Luckily, "eating paleo" doesn't have to stand in the way of you enjoying holiday parties and fellowship with family and friends. In fact, with a little planning, throwing a healthy holiday party can a piece of paleo cake.

1. Plan for paleo.

This is probably the most important step to throwing the perfect paleo bash. If you don't plan to follow your diet, it's likely you won't. So write out some some invitations and make sure you include the following information:

(If your paleo party is potluck-style, include this phrase:) Bring a paleo dish!
(If you will be providing all menu items, include this phrase:) Menu will be paleo-style!
RSVP/Contact information

If you're following a strict paleo menu, consider hosting an alcohol-free party, and be sure you make note of that in your invitation, too.

2. Plan your menu and don't be afraid to offer suggestions.

You might think that asking people to bring a paleo dish is asking a lot; it's really not. If you're familiar with the the paleo foods list, you know that paleo foods are not weird, complicated or hard-to-find. In fact, paleo foods are easy to find and in many cases easier to cook than traditional holiday party foods! Plan your menu ahead of time, and if your party will be potluck-style, don't be shy about giving your guests ideas about what to bring. Just add a little note at the bottom of the invitation about what foods will best go with the party theme/menu.

Here are a few paleo-style suggestions, which you can give to people when they ask you what they should bring:

Chicken breasts
Vegetable tray
Deviled eggs
Bean-free chili

3. Decorate, delegate and celebrate!

Some closing comments about planning your paleo-style holiday party -- remember: this party is about having a good time with your loved ones. Don't stress the small stuff. Put the majority of your holiday decorations up at least a week or so before your party and deep-clean your house no less than three days before so you only have light straightening to do the the day of. Be sure to delegate some of the housework to your spouse, kids or housemates and be sure everyone in the household knows what day and time the party will commence so that they are all ready on time, too. It will help make for a stress-free day and a fun, healthy celebration.

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Friday, July 6, 2012

Paleo Diet Information

Paleo List :

The dietary needs of humankind were forged into our genes millions of years in the past, long before many of the foods that pollute our modern tables were first eaten by people, and the Paleo diet aims at boosting your health by returning you to the types of nourishment your ancestors ate for far longer than they have eaten grains and dairy products. The cavemen had no wheat, no domestic cattle, and no sugar, so all these foods are actually harmful to the human system.

Paleo Diet Information

The Paleo diet is based on a recognition that many of today's ills are caused by the unnatural diet that we eat every day and that is subtly poisoning our metabolisms. Food produced by farming has appeared only very recently in humankind's history, genetically speaking, and although we can eat such food, we are poorly adapted to handling its chemical constituents.

Just consider how much obesity, tooth decay, metabolic illness such as diabetes or allergic reactions, and other food-related trouble there is in the world today, and it becomes clear that many modern foods are much more trouble than they are worth. Eliminating these hazardous foods from your diet and substituting the varieties that your body is actually adapted to eating lies at the heart of the Paleo diet.

Modern humans are really just cavemen who are eating the horribly inadequate foods thrust upon them by the so-called agricultural revolution. Freeing your diet from these harmful types of food and focusing instead on the food types that our bodies are built to handle restores much of the control over your health and weight that was lost to today's dietary products.

Think about foods carefully and whether or not they would have been available to cavemen before you set tooth to anything. Grains were only eaten following the establishment of farms ten thousand years ago or less. They are something that should be completely stricken from the lists of food that make up your diet when you are following the Paleo diet's path to better health and better nutrition.

Since animals had not yet been domesticated, there was no butter, cheese, or milk, which explains modern man's frequent lactose intolerance and illustrates why these products should be wholly shunned as well. Sugar is even worse than most of these foods - only very recently planted to titillate the over-refined palates of modern humans, in place of the more healthful sweets provided by honey, which could be collected from nests of wild bees. Use this substance in moderation as part of a Paleo diet, and remember that it should not be given to children under the age of ten because of small quantities of botulism spores present in all honey.

Fruits, on the other hand, are something that cavemen could acquire, picking fruits from the branches of trees. The many health and nutritional benefits of fruits and fruit juice illustrate how well our caveman metabolisms are adapted to eating it. Eggs were found in nests and eaten, though not in large amounts, since the unnatural arrangement of chicken farms were unknown. Eat half a dozen of these at most per week, though you can eat the whole egg, both white and yolk.

Meat and nuts are the keystones of the Paleo diet. Lean meats of all kinds, and organ meats as well, should be eaten as a mainstay of your food. Their high protein content will help both to boost your energy and to slim you naturally. Nuts provide plenty of protein and calories without harmful fats, and can be eaten in considerable quantities too, though they are a bit more fattening than meat.

Root vegetables, which echo the nourishing roots foraged by our caveman ancestors, can form part of your Paleo diet, too. They should not be allowed to dominate, but they can be used to supplement meat, nuts, and fruits. By eschewing all of the food products made with grains, which includes all baked goods, and all sugar products, you will be well on your way to the rugged health enjoyed by our caveman ancestors - the restorative promise of a life free from modern metabolic afflictions held out by the Paleo diet.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Caveman Paleo Diet - A Primitive Diet for the Modern Times

Paleo List :

You might have already heard about the Paleo diet but it is possible that you may be wondering what it is exactly. The term "Paleo" might have rung a bell, too. This is because the Paleo diet, a.k.a Blueprint Diet, is actually based around the idea that in order for modern humans to have a healthy and strong body, they should follow the diet where the humans or cavemen of the Paleolithic era have lived by. This also comes by the names "caveman diet" and "hunter-gatherer diet" and this requires the recreation of the eating habits that humans before the Agricultural Revolution had then.

Caveman Paleo Diet - A Primitive Diet for the Modern Times

Some may find this diet a bit pretentious and vague - after all, who can actually determine what the cavemen ate those days? Although there is several evidences as to what foods they have consumed back in the day, there are also some speculations. But one thing is certain - the men back then mainly hunted for their food and they gathered every plant products that can be obviously eaten. Some may argue that this is not enough basis to come up with a list of foods allowed in the Blueprint diet. Paleolithic men who lived in the arctic regions of the world most probably ate different foods from those who lived in tropical countries.

Despite the questions and doubts, the Paleo diet is still considered as a highly sensible one. This is mainly because of the idea that the modern food gathering and production system is already largely dependent on artificially processed and packaged foods. Considering this, going back to the basics can already make such a great improvement on your health and fitness. The Blueprint diet basically encourages the intake of all-natural foods. It eliminates the consumption of processed and packaged foods. Thus, if you follow the Paleo diet, you can just get away from consuming chemical-laden foods.

The Paleo Diet Food List

To make the Blueprint diet easier to understand, it would be best for you to take a look on the foods allowed in the diet.


Meat is an essential part of the Paleo diet. Since the cavemen mainly hunted for food, meat from game animals, poultry and seafood that they were able to hunt, kill and gather made up a great portion of their diet. This also serves their main source of protein - their source of strength, essentially. Today, Blueprint diet followers are encouraged to consume lean meat, lean poultry and seafood. It would be best to cook these slightly, prepare and serve with veggie sides and fruits as dessert.

Fruits and Vegetables

All of the fruits and vegetables that can be eaten in its raw, natural and original form can be consumed if you are following this diet. When it comes to fruits, there are virtually no limitations. However, if you have just started with the diet and your primary goal is to lose weight, you may want to limit your intake of sweet fruits. But not to worry - as you go along the diet, your protein intake can already make for a faster and more efficient metabolism. This means that you can already eat all of the fruits that you want.

Meanwhile, with vegetables, you can eat everything aside from starchy root veggies such as potato and sweet potato. Vegetables will serve as your main source of carbohydrates and together with your protein intake, it will work to give you the energy you need for the day.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds that are naturally available can serve as great ingredients to your Paleo meals. You can also pack unsalted nuts and seeds with you and snack on them to curb hunger pangs.

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Monday, July 2, 2012

Three Dukan Diet Mistakes You Must Avoid If You Want Fast Weight Loss

Paleo List :

The Dukan diet menu is key to fast weight loss. How you create yours, what meals you put together, is down to you. But be warned, poor menu choices can have a detrimental affect on your Dukan diet progress.

Three Dukan Diet Mistakes You Must Avoid If You Want Fast Weight Loss

It is all too easy to slip into ruts, to overlook things you're doing wrong or missing out on. It is possible to enjoy your time on the weight loss program and to look forward to delicious and exciting meals. But in order to do this you must take charge of your Dukan diet menu. Sloppy planning will have a detrimental effect on the speed of your weight loss. Boring menus lead almost inevitably to slips and binges.

You have been given a list of 100 foods that you can eat and enjoy in almost unlimited quantities. However, how you eat these foods, the recipes you come up with, the taste, the variety and the excitement is all up to you. In this article I will be looking at three mistakes most often made and the simple solution to avoid making them.

1. Not writing things down

I can't remember where I heard the phrase "plans that exist only as post-it notes in our heads" but I remember that the speaker wasn't very keen on them. Most of us muddle through life making plans that we keep filed away somewhere in the back our minds, adding to them from time to time whenever struck by inspiration. The trouble with plans made and maintained like this is that they're are not worth the paper they're written on!

It is all very well walking through the supermarket and mentally adding items we see along the way to a Dukan diet menu created in our heads - as long as we actually put any of these ideas into practice. I've thought of loads of Dukan diet friendly meals ('food experiments' some of them) mentally jotting down the ingredients list and then never actually putting it all together in the kitchen.

The trouble is that it is easy to think and plan out your Dukan diet menu when you're sitting in traffic, on a train, in boring meeting, or waiting outside the school gates while your kids look for missing jackets and sports kits. But it's harder to pop into the shops on the way home and remember all the details of the latest 'Chef's Special' created for your updated Dukan diet menu.

The solution comes in the form of a simple piece of paper (or laptop screen if you prefer). Put aside twenty minutes to plan out a weekly Dukan diet menu or jot down the ingredients and ideas for new and exciting recipes. A small notebook or pocket diary can be useful for recipe ideas. Instead of relying on mental post-it notes, actually write down your ideas when you have them. The next time you are food shopping, you can check your notebook and have a list of ingredients there in front of you.

Writing down the recipes that make up your Dukan diet menu will also help you eliminate the following related problems.

2. Not having enough variety on your Dukan Menu
Once we have found the meals we enjoy eating, are used to cooking and we feel secure in eating (safe in the knowledge that the food is 100% Dukan diet friendly) it is tempting to stick with what we know. This works well for a while but the menu, obviously, becomes very limited and that quickly becomes boring.

One of the problems is that shopping for food that is suitable for people following the weight-loss program can seem like too much hassle when you're tired after a hard day and you just want to go home. In this situation it's tempting just to pick up the stuff you're used to and prepare a meal you've had so often you could put it together in your sleep.

The solution, mentioned above, is having a list of ingredients already written down so you don't have to think about what you need on the spot. The added benefit with writing down your weekly diet menu is that you can plan out your meals. The simple act of writing the same meal over and over again will be enough to spur you on into being a bit more adventurous.

3. Missing out important foods (and drink)

When you are relying on a mental checklist is it easy to forget things here and there. This is especially true when we're trying to remember very unusual or very familiar items. How many times have you gone to a store to pick up one particular item, impulse bought something else, and then left without the things you actually when in there for?

When I go food shopping, I don't have to remember to buy milk. This is because I buy milk every time I go food shopping (my family guzzles the stuff). I'm usually pretty good at getting the normal every day items but as soon as anything unusual goes on the shopping list, if I don't actually physically write it on a list, I'm bound to forget it.

Most people new to the Dukan diet are not used to buying oat bran. It is a new ingredient for most of us when we start the weight loss program and it is easy to overlook. However, if you write down your Dukan diet menu, breakfast, lunch and dinner, in full then you can ensure that your daily oat bran portion is included and not forgotten.

Real-life menus come with a drinks list and your Dukan diet menu should be no different. Drinking water, enough water, each day is vitally important on a high protein weight loss program like the Dukan diet. Some of the toxins left over after your body has digested protein needs to be flushed out of your system. If you drink enough water each day then this will take care of things and you have nothing to worry about. In addition, drinking too little water each day can lead to water retention which will make you look bloated and fat (something none of us want!). A third benefit is that by drinking water throughout the day you will be properly hydrated and so feel fresher and more alert.

By including water on the menu as part of your daily routine you will make sure that you are consuming the correct amount each day and enjoying all the benefits.

“ How to pack a delicious day's lunch and snacks in minutes 100% Guaranteed ”

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

A List of Nutrisystem Foods Which I Think Taste the Best

Paleo List :

I recently received an email where the person asked me if I could help her decide which Nutrisystem foods to pick for her monthly package. She had decided to go for the custom menu which allowed her to hand pick which foods she wanted. This can be a great option because it doesn't cost anymore and it ensures that you're getting foods that you're going to like. But on a first order, it can be tough to pick what are the best tasting foods. So, in the following article, I'll list what are (at least in my opinion) the best foods on this menu.

A List of Nutrisystem Foods Which I Think Taste the Best

The Nutrisystem Breakfast Foods That I Like Best: Actually, there are not many of the diet's breakfast foods that aren't tasty. You really can't go wrong here no matter what you chose. It's pretty hard to mess up breakfast food and they do a decent job. But my favorites are all of the muffins (particularly the blueberry,) the pancakes, and the cereals. Most all of the cereals are good, but I've been known to sweeten them with stevia since it has no calories and isn't metabolized like sugar.

My favorite cereal is probably the sweetened o's right now. They're a lot like cheerios but they are a bit sweeter and I don't need to add anything to them. The egg frittata is also good but I actually eat it for lunch much more often than I eat it for breakfast. I sometimes put in a tostata for a wrap.

The Best Nutrisystem Lunches: I know that a lot of people really like the Nutrisystem soups, but I'm just not a soup person in general. I probably have these 1 - 2 times per week, but I don't think that I'd enjoy them every day. I really like the pastas though like the cheese tortellini, the pasta Parmesan, the fettuccine Alfredo, and the three cheese pasta with chicken. I also like the hot dog and the chicken salad.

My Favorite Nutrisystem Dinners: In my opinion, the dinners are mostly better than the lunches. The portions are a bit larger. There is more variety and the taste of most of these is quite good. As examples, I like the ravioli, the macaroni and cheese, the lasagne, the wraps, the pizza, the risotto, the sloppy joes, the Swedish meatballs, and the pepper steak.

Almost All Of The Nutrisystem Desserts And Snacks Are Good: Like the breakfast, nearly all of the snacks and desserts are good. I particular like the crunch bars because they have the taste and texture (somewhat) of a candy bar. I like the nutrichocolates and the cookie patty which reminds me of girl scout cookie thin mints. You can't go wrong with any of the cookies and cakes. And the pretzels and buffalo wing chips are my favorite snacks.

The Best Of The Best: Nutrisystem Select Foods: If you're looking for the absolutely best tasting choices on this diet, that's going to be the select plan. Most of these entrees are frozen and they are supposed to be restaurant quality. They cost a little more but the food really is very good and many people feel that the added expense is worth the cost in terms of user experience.

The french toast and the omelets are the breakfast standouts. The chicken fajita, the meatball and Philly cheese steak sandwiches are great lunch choices (the select lunch really can be worth trying,) The glazed turkey, pepperoni pizza, and the shrimp Alfredo are nice dinner additions. And in desserts, you now have ice cream, fudge bars, and apple / cherry crisp.

“ How to pack a delicious day's lunch and snacks in minutes 100% Guaranteed ”

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