Friday, June 29, 2012

A List Of Vegetables & Their Benefits

Paleo List :

Today, everyone is aware that vegetables are good for you and eating the right amount can improve longevity significantly.

A List Of Vegetables & Their Benefits

Many people are conscious of the fact that eating five or more portions of different fruits and vegetables a day encourages good health and reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

A List Of Vegetables Containing Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for healthy eyes, skin and a strong immune system.

The Vitamin A found in colourful vegetables, usually bright yellow, orange or green is called Pro vitamin which is then turned into vitamin A within the body.

Here is a list of vegetables that contain vitamin A

  • Asparagus
  • Potatoes
  • Pumpkin
  • Carrots
  • Peas
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
It is unlikely you would need to take a supplement to top up your levels of vitamin A if you have a healthy balanced diet. However if you do feel the need to take vitamin tablets it is always best to seek medical advice before doing so.

List Of Vegetables Containing Vitamin C Vitamin C is vital to maintain a healthy immune system, large doses can also reduce the chances of catching a cold, help reduce damage to inflamed joints in arthritis sufferers and even reduce many symptoms that asthmatics experience.

Good sources of vegetables with vitamin c are:

  • Cabbage
  • Spinach
  • Peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Cauliflower
  • Onions
  • Lettuce
  • Asparagus
  • Cucumber
These vegetables are not only very easy to prepare and cook but are readily available to purchase in supermarkets and farm stores.

A List Of Vegetables Containing Vitamin E Vitamin E is an important antioxidant; it helps to repair cells and is often found in anti ageing creams.

Recent research has shown that this vitamin can delay or even prevent cancer, heart disease and cataracts, the list of vegetables below may be small but very beneficial.

  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Greens
Most vegetables that contain this vitamin are green and leafy

To get the maximum benefit from the above list of vegetables it is recommend you buy organically produced and eat them when they are fresh.

It is a common misconception that eating raw vegetables if better than cooking them, This is not always the case and it really depends on what you want to get out of them. For example cooking vegetables such as carrots can release certain substances that help us to absorb the vitamins easily.

Overall the important thing to bear in mind is to vary the vegetables you eat. Try to eat from a range of food groups and make sure you eat a variety of different coloured vegetables.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Achieving Ultimate Health and Wellness Through Paleo Meals

Paleo List :

Paleo meals are basically meals that you can eat while you are following the Paleo diet. The Paleo diet, also known as the caveman or hunter-gatherer diet is one that assumes the way the cavemen of the Paleolithic era ate. It is said that the early humans were stronger and healthier than humans of today are. They also lived longer. Aside from the fact that the earth was free of pollution back then, they only ate organic and natural foods.

Achieving Ultimate Health and Wellness Through Paleo Meals

Paleo meals are normally composed of food ingredients that are naturally found and gathered. All processed and packaged foods are discouraged in the Paleo diet. Even rice and cereals, as they are not naturally readily available, are also not recommended.

A lot of people are still oblivious of the health benefits that Paleo meals and the Paleo diet can provide. Some even wonder why they need to eat like a caveman during these modern times. It is said that most illnesses known to humans today is caused by the improper diet that they live by. A lot of foods nowadays contain preservatives, glutens and other substances and chemicals that are supposed to improve its taste or longevity. However, these substances also cause disorders and health problems such as food allergies. The reason for this is that the human body has not yet fully adapted to the new types of foods introduced today. It is said that the human genes need several thousands of years for it to fully evolve. Agriculture and animal husbandry as well as food processing and packaging was only developed and introduced even before the human genes can adapt to its produces. Although humans can ingest and digest the products of agriculture, it is not guaranteed that you can fully benefit from it. In the Paleo diet, you are encouraged to consume foods that are naturally available and need no processing. This way, the nutrients of the foods are preserved so you can reap its health benefits to the full.

What makes the Paleo diet an ideal one is that it does not limit the frequency of your meals. You can actually eat whenever you are hungry. However, your meals should always follow the Paleo food list. You should be able to plan your meals accordingly.

Some tend to steer away from the Paleo diet thinking that it puts a lot of restraint in terms of the foods that can be eaten. But the truth is that there are a lot of Paleo recipes that you can apply to your Paleo meals. There are a lot of ways that you can mix and match your food ingredients and the recipes as well. If you wish to get healthier and fitter without having to quit eating great meals (steaks! salads!) then you should definitely try the Paleo diet.

The Paleo diet is being considered as the most efficient diet regimens out there. With some determination and the patience to research and learn everything about it, you can absolutely live with a healthier and stronger body. Learning about the possibilities that delicious Paleo meals offer can eventually make you decide to eat like a caveman.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bring Your Body in Good Physical Shape With Paleo Recipes

Paleo List :

"Old is Gold" is a famous quote. Is the quotation also applicable for paleo recipes? Before discussing it further let us have a small tour to past. This is said that, in olden times people were very sturdy and strong and their physical presence was astonishing. Broad shoulders, muscular body, strong bones and arresting face color were some common qualities of people of that time. They were such powerful that their existence was considered not less than a mountain. The question is; what was the secret of such enormous power? How they produced it? How they built and maintained their impressive body structure?

Bring Your Body in Good Physical Shape With Paleo Recipes

Answer to all the questions asked is "Paleo recipes" or paleo diet; also known as Paleolithic diet which is usually related to Stone Age or caveman diet. These are recipes or diet plans which were used by the people of old times. These ancestral recipes consist of nuts, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and roots and prohibit the use of grains, dairy and oil products. All the recipes are unique in its benefits and all their ingredients have their own distinctive importance and significance. How they help to construct striking body structure is discussed in following paragraphs.

Main elements of paleo recipes are fish, nuts, roots, fruits, raised meat and vegetables. Let us go through each individual element and check what they are capable of.


Fish is helpful for healthy and fresh life because it is the finest source of protein, vitamin B and D and omega 3. Omega 3's fatty acids are very supportive for maintaining and increasing the metabolism process in human body as well as providing strength to immune system.

Nuts and roots:

These are the source of protein, vitamins and exclusively provide rich minerals which are extremely useful for human body. Described elements give an attractive shape to the body and construct it into charming and good figures.

Fruits and vegetables:

Everything which is eatable in its fresh form gives incredible energy as well as enjoyable taste. Fruits and vegetables are extremely rich in providing vitamins and an excellent source of energy for humans too. Vitamin B1 is important for cells for converting carbohydrates into energy and it is found in grapefruit, grapes, orange, guava, pineapple and watermelon in intense quantity. Moreover, vegetables like Brussels sprouts, green pepper, kale and Swiss chard contains excessive amount of vitamin C. This vitamin is most important of all the vitamins. It provides strength to cells and tissues against damages of oxidation.


Meat from cows, chicken and goats are much important for providing protein to human body. They are a unique source of extreme quantity of vitamin B (also known as riboflavin). Vitamin B plays vital role in body growth. Is also provides the source to carbohydrates to release energy from them as well as helps in red cells production and reproduction. Likewise, Pantothenic acid is also found in meat which is necessary for metabolism in human body.

Food and eatables which are prohibited in paleo recipes are grains, oil and dairy products. Now let us see that why paleo plans disallow these foods.

Dairy and oil products:

If we starts pouring water into a bottle (glass made) without considering its capacity then after a certain time this water flow breaks the bottle. In the same way when we use dairy and oil products without taking into account out body limits then it shows negative results which possibly are not in our favor.

Cow milk is a rich source of calcium and research shows that bones fractures cases are registered more, in those countries where cow's milk is used in excessive quantity than the countries where milk is used in a normal and body's acceptable quantity. Likewise, when we eat deep fried things we are caught by cholesterol problem which made our blood thick and create difficulties in blood circulation which leads to heart and lungs problems.

Summing up, paleo recipes allow us to eat only those foods which supply energy to our body and built it into a gorgeous and attention catching personality, no matter what quantity of these products we utilize. On the other hand it restricts those eatables about which a little carelessness can create troubles for our internal system, body performance and physical appearance.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Word to the Wise When You Consider Buying Artifacts on the Internet Or in Person

Paleo List :

Do not let the excitement of a new find distract you from careful consideration of the authenticity and the history of the point or tool you are contemplating.

A Word to the Wise When You Consider Buying Artifacts on the Internet Or in Person

If a story sounds too good to be true, likely it is too good to be true. Develop a relationship with the seller so that you can decide on the level of trust you can place on his or her word. This can take time.

Ask for as full an account of the history of the point as may be available. This is called the "provenance" of the point. It should include the name of the finder, the place, the date, and a description of the circumstances or special conditions under which the discovery was made. Also you should ask for a full list of previous owners of the point or tool, if you are not obtaining it from the original finder.

Whenever possible, you should inquire about and even require a "certificate of authenticity" from a respected source.

Almost any collector to whom you speak will have a story of how he bought a point from someone whom he thought was trustworthy, only to later find out that the point was either unknowingly or deliberately sold as authentic, when in reality it might have been a modern-made copy or reproduction point.

For example, when you are looking at supposed "Paleo-Indian" artifacts, it would be well to keep in mind that, in most parts of the country these artifacts are extremely rare. I know lifelong students of archaeology who have worked all over the country in projects covering many of the eras of human occupation in this continent who have only come across one or two authentic Paleo-Indian relics such as a Clovis spear point or a Folsom dart point. When these points are found in scientific excavations they are celebrated and carefully cataloged for future study and reference. When they might be found on private land, by individuals, these points and tools are often carefully preserved and put away, well out of the public eye.

Very seldom will you find such a point on the market. At least, not an ancient, authentic point of any quality. You may see an occasional broken or partial point. And sometimes, if a collector has had such a good Paleo-Indian point certified and authenticated, he may be tempted to sell it, but this would be unusual.

I find it difficult to imagine that even an artifact dealer, whose business has long been buying and selling these items, would ever want to sell a high quality Clovis point or Cumberland point, for example, without suggesting a substantial price.

I say this to caution you and to encourage you to carefully consider claims of age, culture and authenticity which you will hear from people who are collectors and/or sellers of possibly ancient artifacts.

Collecting is an exciting activity, and enthusiasm is good, but caution is also necessary to protect your long term interests and your satisfaction and peace of mind as they are dependent upon careful, educated decisions.

Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. F. Scott Crawford, Carrollton, Texas, USA

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Easy Paleo Recipes Are Not Hard To Find

Paleo List :

Do easy Paleo recipes exist? Yes! The popular Paleo diet based on the way humans ate during the Paleolithic age offers many options for cooking great meals. The food is all natural and abundantly available. The only tricky part is there are some food items not included in the diet that are most likely a staple in many people's diets today. The items not included in the diet include all dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese), grains (rice, pasta, bread) and sugar. There are very good reasons these food items are not included in the diet, but even so, it will be an adjustment to cook without them.

Easy Paleo Recipes Are Not Hard To Find

Alter Existing Recipes

Since dairy, grains and sugar are not allowed on the Paleo diet, a great way to get Easy Paleo Recipes is to alter your existing recipes with Paleo diet approved substitutes. Here are some ideas:

Milk - Coconut Milk
Bread - Flaxseed Focaccia Bread
Flour - Coconut Flour, Almond Flour
Sugar - Honey, Agave, Maple Syrup, Coconut Palm Sugar
Cooking Oil - Flaxseed Oil, Olive Oil

I also suggest get creative with spices, so you won't miss all the oils and added fats you typically cook with.

Where to Find Easy Paleo Recipes

Fortunately, there are a number of excellent Paleo diet cookbooks on the market. The following are available at

The Paleo Diet Cookbook by Nell Stephenson and Lorrie Cordain - offers 150+ recipes for all meals, plus snacks and beverages

Paleo Comfort Foods by Charles Mayfield - offers homestyle cooking for the Paleo diet with emphasis on a gluten-free kitchen

The Lazy Paleo Enthusiast's Cookbook by Sean Robertson - offers a collection of practical recipes and advice for how to eat healthy without taking up a lot of time

Paleo Menu Ideas

Although the food choices are fairly basic - fruits, vegetables, eggs and meats - there are so many combinations that you should never get bored with your Paleo diet. Just keep experimenting and adding to your recipe repertoire.

A good breakfast option is always eggs, veggies and fruit. You can also go for a berry smoothie.

Breakfast Ideas:
Scrambled eggs with vegetables
Poached eggs with fruit
Berry parfait
Berry smoothie
Ham and fruit
Fruit salad

Salads are an excellent option for lunch as you can make these at home and take them with you wherever your day takes you. But, you can always mix in meat with your veggies.

Lunch Ideas:
Chicken salad
Tuna salad
Green salad
Turkey burger with lettuce, pickle and onion

This is a great time to feature lean meat and veggies. And there are countless combinations so enjoy getting creative here.

Dinner Ideas:
Chicken and veggies
Fish and veggies
Pork and salad
Shrimp and broccoli stir fry
Turkey chili

Fruit makes excellent desserts, but if you need something closer to your traditional dessert you can get creative with the substitutes listed above and create some amazing desserts.

Dessert Ideas:
Fruit roll ups
Almond Macaroons
Bananas with almond butter and coconut

Why Paleo Diet is Good For You

Since the Paleo diet is fat-dairy-preservative-free it is incredibly good for your health. It requires you to get the majority of your calories from seasonal fruits and vegetables, thus your body is fueled by foods loaded with nutrients. All food is non-processed, which is easy for digestion, getting all these nutrients into your body quickly giving you loads of energy.

Being low on harmful oils, fats and excessive carbohydrates, the Paleo diet helps you lose weight and keep it off. This in turn helps keep disease and illnesses at bay including heart problems, blood pressure, cancer, and diabetes.

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hard-Hitting, Unconventional Diet Advice For Singers

Paleo List :

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking this is going to be another one of those predictable, vanilla articles about foods you should and shouldn't eat before singing. Boooring!

Hard-Hitting, Unconventional Diet Advice For Singers

The conventional advice that we singers often hear about diet goes something like this:


  • Drink Water (room temperature)
  • Eat Fruit
  • Eat Vegetables

Do NOT Consume:

  • Caffeine
  • Dairy
  • Hot Beverages
  • Cold beverages
  • Alcohol
  • Salt
  • High Fat Foods
  • Spicy Foods
  • Citrus

You know what you really ought not to consume? The generic kool aid above! Instead, let's look at some actionable strategies, which are rooted in a lifetime of dietary experimentation, that's taken me from a Standard American Diet (SAD), to vegetarianism, to veganism, to fruitarianism, to the slow carb diet a la Tim Ferriss, to what I follow now (modified paleo). In addition to years of OCD self-tracking, blood testing and subjecting myself to various supplementation regimens, I'm also drawing on my experience as a competitive athlete (submission grappling), and since singing is a sport in its own right, I hope these parallels ring true for you.

Let's start with first principles

A singer is, above all, a human being. Agreed? Human beings are a species of animal, which has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to consume a very specific type of diet. This isn't even actually a "diet", that's a word invented to sell books and ab machines. This is simply our natural way of eating and it has profound implications for our health and quality of life.

Have you seen what happens when you feed a cat (or a dog for that matter) a vegetarian diet? It gets sick, weak, and lethargic. It loses its desire to mate(!) and dies prematurely. This is called a "failure to thrive". If a human animal is fed the wrong things, what do you suppose happens to it?

About 10,000 years ago, humans began farming and went from a nomadic tribal lifestyle, to a relatively stationary, city-based lifestyle. Consequently, we transitioned from our ancestral diet of mostly animal foods to a high-carb diet of grains and other farmed foods. Because we were able to grow our food almost year-round, we could stay in one location and reduce the need to hunt wild game and gather nuts, berries, tubers and roughage.

Unfortunately, our bodies were not (and still aren't) adapted to eating grains (they're toxic), high levels of fruits (also toxic), and many raw vegetables. Like the example of the vegetarian cat, we've been consuming the wrong things for roughly ten millennia and have been getting sicker and sicker as a result. Pile on top of that the modern laundry list of synthetic chemicals we're routinely exposed to, stressful work schedules, and sedentary, indoor-based living and you have a MAJOR failure to thrive.

You see, most diet and lifestyle advice you hear for singers is generic and incomplete at best, totally wrong at worst. A singer's actual vocal instrument is certainly important but any professional singer can tell you that it's only half the story. Being an effective singer and musician requires mental and physical endurance that has nothing to do with your voice per se. "Don't smoke, don't drink yourself stupid and don't party your ass off 5 days a week" is fairly common sense advice that you'll learn on your own. But the advice below is of a more counter-intuitive nature, and not only will you not hear it very often, but you'll be told the exact opposite!

So here's the deal: Singers need a steady supply of even-keeled energy, enthusiasm, mental acuity, memory, plasticity of thinking and nerves of steel when it comes time to go on stage.

So, then, how should you eat if you're a singer? The answer is, the same way you would eat if you weren't one! The idea of a profession-specific diet is actually quite ridiculous. Yes, certain tweaks and allowances have to be made based on activity levels and genetics, but fundamentally the healthiest diet is the one that most closely approximates your ancestral way of eating. This way of eating is popularly known as a "paleolithic" or "paleo" diet and here's what it can do for you:

  • Increased energy
  • Longer life
  • Higher sex drive
  • Improved mental acuity
  • Improved physical performance
  • Weight normalization
  • Improved appearance

Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, going back to the vegetarian cat example. If the gato is being fed a 50/50 mixture of vegetables and meat, it's only going to be somewhat sick as a result. If you feed it nothing but meat, which is what its body is designed to operate most optimally with, kitty shall experience all of the same benefits that I listed above and return to good health (all other things being equal). Likewise, if YOU begin removing foods from your diet that work against your genetics and replace them with the high-quality foods that your body was meant to operate on, you too will experience a very noticeable shift in your overall health. This, you might imagine, has tremendous ramifications for your art.

Here's an overview of the protocol:

DO Consume:

  • Water
  • Grass fed, pastured, organic meats
  • Pastured organic eggs
  • Cold water, wild caught fish (Salmon, cod, sardines, mackerel)
  • Grass fed butter, ghee, coconut oil
  • Nuts (no peanuts - they're legumes)
  • Vegetables
  • Small quantities of low-sugar fruits (berries and citrus are good choices)

Do NOT Consume:

  • Any grain based foods including bread, pastas, rice, quinoa, etc.
  • High sugar fruit such as mangoes, pineapples and bananas
  • Dairy
  • Legumes (beans of any kind)
  • Alcohol (I don't take this rule too seriously - you've got to live a little!)

Basically, if you mostly stay away from sugars and starches (which are just sugars anyway), and eat plenty of high quality animal products, you're going to notice a huge improvement in your well-being and outward appearance relatively quickly. If you're a big bread and pasta eater, cutting carbs out is going to be difficult, so do it gradually. Once you've weened off the carbs, you'll notice that your energy levels and mood will be quite steady throughout the day, because you're no longer subjecting your body to the insulin rollercoaster that carbohydrates put in motion. If you try to become a paleo perfectionist, you're probably setting yourself up for some serious binge eating. A great idea to that Tim Ferriss introduced in his awesome book "4 Hour Body", which can help you circumvent binging, is the concept of a "cheat day" once a week, during which you eat whatever the hell you want! That way it's already planned and not some big monkey on your back that comes to wreck your diet whimsically.

One singer-specific piece of advice you hear a lot is to avoid eating a lot of fat. Well, that's a lot of bull. A high fat diet is incredibly healthful. Fats are the primary energy source the body is meant to use (NOT sugars!!!) So cook some eggs in butter and a few strips of bacon for breakfast. While your jam and toast eating colleague is passing out from the sugar crash, you'll still be going like some sort of singing Energize bunny.

Unfortunately, because our soils are largely depleted of nutrients, our animals are fed nutrient-poor feeds, and for a number of other reasons, we simply can NOT get all of the nutrition we need solely from food, even if it's the RIGHT food. Thus, it's necessary to supplement and hack a little. Here are 4 important additions to the diet outlined above that will take your mind and body - and thus, your singing! - to the next level:

Fish Oil

Fish oil is high in omega 3 fatty acids, which curb cellular inflammation and keeps you young and healthy. Much of the food we consume now is very high in omega 6 fats, and this has skewed the natural ratio of omega 3s to omega 6s with which our bodies are built to function optimally. Fish oil is relatively cheap, painless to take and has profound health benefits. Don't be afraid to take several grams of fish oil a day. It won't hurt you - just make sure you find a brand that tests for contaminants by third parties. Unlike, say, exercise, this one's a gimme.

Vitamin D

We are meant to spend copious amounts of time in the sun (naked). Instead, we spend an unhealthy amount of time indoors (clothed). Since our body produces vitamin D in response to sunlight exposure, this explains why the majority of our population is severely vitamin D deficient. Even in perennially sunny South Florida, the majority of the population is deficient! I can't overemphasize how powerful this group of compounds is (vitamin D is the name of the family of compounds called secosteroids). They influence everything from hormone levels to alertness to immunity.

Getting tested for vitamin D deficiency is cheap and easy, or just get blood drawn if you're insured). Definitely test your levels prior to supplementing. Shoot for about 55ng/mL (nanograms per milliliter) of blood. If you've determined that you need to supplement, make sure that you take D3 (cholecalciferol) and not D2 (ergocalciferol). You'll be fine taking up to 5000 IU a day. Adjust commensurate with sun exposure and retest levels every few months until optimal.


We are a severely sleep-deprived species. Yet sleep is a fundamental component of great health and proper functioning. You already know this on an intuitive level, but the pressure from society to "fit everything in" is so strong, that we often eschew sleep as a waste of time. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your singing voice goes straight to hell when you haven't had enough sleep, as does your concentration, memory and general "springiness". More sleep, and better quality sleep means you get more mileage out of your waking hours. It's a counter-intuitive concept (not really - we've just been culturally programmed to silence our powerful intuition). Forcing yourself awake is short-sighted; you're going on borrowed time. Nature will have her way with you eventually, and you'll find the reduced quality of your output doesn't justify the extra hours you stuffed in.


You knew this one was coming! But don't worry, you need not exercise nearly as much as you may think. You can trigger the powerful hormonal cascade responses that improve your health and well being with rather minimalistic exercise routines. I suggest a kettlebell workout twice a week, or a "Peak 8" regimen. It's important that you do some kind of weight training, even if you're a woman. Running on a treadmill for 2 hours is a joke; you could get better results in terms of both appearance and health from 1 kettlebell session per week. The benefits? EVERYTHING.

Remember: you're a human first and a singer second, so eat the healthiest diet possible and you'll be the best singer possible - simple! Stick with this idea of "first principles" and you'll also have the tools to untangle even the most complicated of knots as you progress along your journey in music...

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Paleo Version Of The Dukan Diet

Paleo List :

Everyone who wants to lose weight raise their fork! Now, everyone who wants to lose weight, eat everything you want and never feel deprived, raise your other fork! That's what I thought.

Paleo Version Of The Dukan Diet

Lets see if we can solve this problem by starting with what we know and hopefully progress to understanding what we don't know.

First of all lets make a list of, what I think, we can all agree on:

1. It's not healthy, or fun, to be obese.

2. If you stop eating altogether you will be thin before you starve to death.

3. Starving goes against our natural survival instincts.

All of this is very obvious. Or is it? Lets start with the first premise. "It's not healthy or fun to be obese." Do you truly believe this? Think about it for a minute. Some people deep down inside want to be fat. Other folks believe that you can be fat and still be healthy. If, after some thought, this is your core belief, you can stop reading now. You will figure out a way to sabotage any "diet".

On the second point we should all be in agreement. We know how to meet our objective with the most extreme of measures. We aren't prepared to go to that extreme, but at least we understand the mechanism of weight loss. How much worse would it be if we had absolutely no idea of how to lose weight?

And lastly, our bodies and minds are programmed for survival. This is the biggie. Somehow we need to starve our body without letting it know. It would also be helpful if we could trick our minds as well.

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Every obese person is hooked on carbohydrates. Carbs trigger the serotonin "feel good" hormone in our brain. They also mess with our insulin and facilitate the storage of fat. If you want to lose weight you don't need to bother counting calories but you do need to be mindful of carbs. I'll give you an example.

During the gold rush days in California a lot of prospectors were suffering from what became to be known as "rabbit starvation". They were panning for gold and living off of the land. The abundance of tasty rabbits fed them well. Rabbits, however, are basically all protein and have almost no fat and zero carbs. It wasn't long before they wasted away to nothing. Hmmm... maybe a way to lose some weight?

This brings me to the Dukan diet. This diet is basically a variation of the rabbit starvation diet with some oat bran tossed in. (The oat bran expands in your stomach and makes you feel full.) You start out with the "attack" phase and work your way through several other phases until you arrive at a maintenance phase which is basically the Paleo diet.

Of course, you could just start out with the Paleo diet to begin with and you will eventually settle in at a normal weight. The Paleo diet has worked perfectly for about 2 1/2 million years.

The Paleo diet will allow you to eat all you want, never count calories, never feel hungry and still lose weight. There is one thing about the Dukan diet I like though. It's the "attack" phase.

There is nothing like a little positive re-enforcement for those of you starting a new way of eating. Quickly losing a few pounds is bound to be a motivator. So here is my Paleo version of the Dukan diet:

Paleo Attack Phase:

Week One: All you can eat of wild rabbit and raw celery, and six glasses of water. (You can substitute lean grass fed beef for the rabbit).

Week Two: Traditional Paleo diet (Water isn't as crucial in this week)

Week Three: Same as week one.

Week Four: Traditional Paleo diet.

Paleo Reduction Phase:

Monday: 6 glasses of water, all you can eat of lean protein, raw salad greens and/or raw vegetables.

Tuesday through Sunday: Traditional Paleo diet.

When you reach a weight that you are happy with just continue on the normal Paleo diet. You can do this!

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Palaeolithic Diet the Definitive CrossFit Diet?

Paleo List :

The Palaeolithic diet. You may have also heard it referred to as the caveman diet. Briefly advocates of the Palaeolithic diet theorise that humans have not evolved to eat the diet that we currently do.

The Palaeolithic Diet the Definitive CrossFit Diet?

Over the course of the last fifty thousand years human biology has changed very little. We are pretty much adapted to eat the same sort of foods as our ancestors ate.

The dawn of civilisation and the advent of agriculture saw humans beginning to eat foods on a regular basis that hadn't been a feature of their diet previously. These include grains, legumes, dairy, and sugars. Promoters of the paleo diet content that as our biology is essentially the same as our ancestors the optimal diet for modern Humans should exclude these newly introduced foods and have a diet that mimics that of our predecessors.

Is there any evidence to support this? Well there are still societies that eat similar diets to our ancestors. These populations are relatively free of many of the diseases of affluence that effect people in the developed world. Obesity, diabetes and heart disease are less common in communities that eat a similar diet to people who lived in pre agrarian societies. Promoters of the Palaeolithic diet insist that it's the amount of processed and cultivated foods in the modern humans diet that cause these diseases of affluence.

So how do we change our diet so that it mimics that of our predecessors? Well you're going to have to start thinking like a hunter gatherer. You should only be eating foods that can be hunted for, fished or gathered. By gathered we mean foods like eggs, vegetables, fruit and nuts. All of the meat you eat should ideally be grass fed and lean cuts.

With this diet there is a long list of things that you shouldn't eat. Grains for example are a big no no. Bread, pasta and cereal are all excluded. Legumes are also out and dairy isn't recommended.

With this diet you will be eating a lot of protein and a lot of fat. Most of your carbohydrates should be derived from vegetables with fruit being eaten sparingly due to it's high sugar content. As mentioned avoid all dairy products.

The diet's enthusiasts make some pretty bold claims as to it's efficacy, claiming it can control weight effectively and help control and reverse chronic illnesses. Further information can be found at my site, details included in the Author bio. Thanks.

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Nutrient Dense Food List Summary

Paleo List :

Many people, myself included, have searched for a "nutrient dense food list". My reason for looking and possibly yours is that last year the American Heart Association recommended that our diets should consist primarily of these "nutrient dense foods". Now they use the term "nutrient rich". They probably thought they were confusing people.

Nutrient Dense Food List Summary

A nutrient dense food list would include practically any food that is not processed, does not contain added sugars or fats and is relatively low calorie when compared to the nutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.) that it contains. All fresh fruits and vegetables would be included on this list.

Many foods that are dried, such as beans, oats, rice and pasta would also be included in a nutrient dense food list. Some have more calories than others, some are enriched with more vitamins and minerals than others. The real problem is the sauces, sugars and other ingredients that we add to these foods that increase the caloric content, without increasing the nutritive value.

In order for a dairy product to be included in a nutrient dense food list, it must be fat free or very low fat. No more than 30% of the calories should come from fats. For example; fat-free cottage cheese would make the list, but cheddar cheese would not.

One small serving of cheddar cheese (about the size of a cheese cube) contains 69 calories and 51 of those calories comes from fat. Reduced fat cheese products are not much better, the calories are reduced, but the percentage of fat is still nearly 50%.

Fat free mozzarella is a good choice, but what you normally see in the grocery store is "part-skim", which has 72 calories per serving, 41 calories from fat and provides only 22% of the body's daily need for calcium. On the other hand, two servings of low fat swiss contains 54 calories, only 14 from fat, and 28% of the calcium needed, plus 8.6 grams of protein.

You can see how making the right choices, not only means that you will be healthier, but also means that you can eat more. An important consideration for anyone trying to lose weight. When buying any kind of processed or packaged food (most dairy products), it is necessary to read the nutrient facts carefully, disregard the manufacturers claim. The product may have less fat than their regular product, but it still may not be a good choice for your diet.

Breads can be another source of confusion. Both the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society recommend that we choose "whole grains", thus we see numerous food manufacturers proudly displaying the "whole grain bread" label. If you read the ingredients, you will find that they all contain "enriched wheat flour", as their primary ingredient. The 79 cent, store brand white sandwich bread contains exactly the same ingredients, compare the labels.

The best advice is to skip the bread whenever possible. Whole grains are oatmeal, barley, rice and other whole grain foods. These can be included on your nutrient dense food list, but choose the low-fat, low-sodium varieties if you are buying a processed, pre-packaged version. The first ingredient on the package label should be a recognizable grain, such as oats, barley, rice, not "oat flour, barley flour or rice flour".

The best choices for meats are fish and skinless chicken breasts. The worst choices are hot dogs and bologna. We need some fat in our diets, but 30% of our total caloric intake is enough. In addition, all fats are not the same. Omega 3 fats, found primarily in fatty fish like salmon and to a lesser extent in tuna and other fish, are necessary for the proper function of the brain and heart.

There are a number of different kinds of fats; trans fat, saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, monounsaturated fat, etc. Trying to figure out this whole labeling thing can be very confusing. The source of the fat is important, animal fat is bad, vegetable fat is not so bad, but 30% from any source is enough.

If you eat around 2000 calories a day, 30% is 600 calories. There are about 100 fat calories in every tablespoon of mayonnaise, cooking oil, margarine, etc. And, you still need to add in the fat calories from fish, chicken, cheese and other sources.

If you need to lose some weight and you are shooting for 1500 calories per day, then 450 total calories from fat is enough. Opinions vary on whether or not less fat is better, but, not to be repetitive, experts agree that 30% is enough.

A complete nutrient dense food list would be book length, at least. A good place to start is to look at the foods that you eat everyday and start replacing the high calorie, high fat, highly processed foods with fresh fruits and vegetables. For more information about nutrient dense foods and heart disease prevention, please visit Heart Healthy Diet

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

How the Paleo Diet and Weight Loss Are Interrelated and What It Means to You!

Paleo List :

Studies have proven that Paleolithic humans were much more able to maintain their weight and deal with their environment. It has also been shown that they did not have many of the diseases that overwhelm modern man. Degenerative diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis and heart problems were nonexistent during this time frame. So why were they so much healthier than humanity today? Part of the answer lies with the diet they consumed and their lifestyle. This type of diet naturally fosters weight loss.

How the Paleo Diet and Weight Loss Are Interrelated and What It Means to You!

It was revealed that it was not only due to their lifestyle. Their active way of living also contributed to their health because they needed to be on their toes all the time. However, studies have shown that it was also because of the food that they took in.

Everyone now refers to this diet as a Paleolithic Diet.

Some might wonder since it used the word 'diet' if it is also effective in losing weight. The truth is yes it definitely is.

Effects of a Paleo Diet

You will gain a lot of benefits by following this diet and having a weight loss program. Follow a Paleo Diet and weight loss soon materializes, just as it has been true for the Paleolithic people. This type of diet allows you to easily control your weight, increase your chances of avoiding diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, cancer, osteoporosis, depression, acne and others.

This is because a Paleolithic lifestyle includes consuming healthy foods with lots of nutrients which provide the appropriate vitamins, minerals and antioxidants your body needs. You will soon find that as you continue with your Paleo Diet and weight loss program, you will have more energy allowing you to participate in more physical activities as you take in more amino acids, reduce your intake of omega-6 and omega-3 fats, and your body acidity goes down.

Are There Any Disadvantages?

It depends on perspective. For example, you will need to change your lifestyle, and this can be a very fearsome thing to do for most people. Unfortunately, this is also why so many overweight and obese people fail to lose weight. They don't feel they have the will power and determination to change their lifestyle.

You might also hear some people refer to the Paleo Diet as unbalanced. This is generally related to the fact that this program excludes grains and some people believe that humans cannot function properly without eating grains. On the other hand, our cavemen ancestors were able to function quite effectively without chewing on grains before they discovered fire.

Another possible disadvantage is that you cannot find any specific program to follow. If you have tried other diet programs you will find that some are adjusted for certain types of people. Not so with the Paleolithic Diet. This program is generally a list of foods that you should consume and those that you shouldn't! In this respect it makes things a lot easier. No counting calories or watching your portion sizes as long as you consume Paleolithic foods.

I think if you give it a try, you will find that a Paleo Diet and weight loss program can be quite effective.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How To Create A Paleo Meal

Paleo List :

A Paleo meal is not hard to make. Unlike other diets that require measuring and counting, a Paleo meal is quite easy to make. Just as long as you stick by the rules of the foods that you should eat and the ones that you should stay away from, preparing a Paleo meal is pretty much the same as preparing a regular meal.

How To Create A Paleo Meal

Here's what you should consider when preparing a Paleo meal:

1. Pick a protein - white chicken meat, lean red meat or fish. The Paleo diet requires any of these forms of protein in your meal. Our bodies simply need protein and a little of fat but aside from this, the Paleo diet requires protein because it reduces our appetite while increasing our metabolism. When you can, it will also be good to pick meat that has been pasture-raised and grass-fed.

2. Add lots of vegetables - vegetables are essential in the Paleo diet and with every other diet there is. We need vegetables. It has been reiterated over and over how important vegetables in the diet are ever since we were small. It will provide the body with vitamins and nutrients to keep us healthy and it will also keep illnesses and diseases away. Plus, it adds color to a dish so play it up to make your meal look more appetizing.

3. Fruits for desserts - fruits are a good source of fiber, vitamins and anti-oxidants which is why they are included in the list of foods that you have to eat in the Paleo diet. Just like vegetables, fruits are essential to every diet, because they also keep us healthy. The Paleo diet suggests you eat as much fruit as you can- they can do no harm and can only improve one's health. The only fruits you should take in moderation are the really sweet ones.

4. Drink fresh coconut juice - coconut juice is a great thirst quencher, very refreshing and it tastes wonderful. It is only available in tropical countries but drink it when you can because it is loaded with health benefits. It promotes intestinal health and can cure diarrhea or indigestion. It also prevents urinary problems and can help cure polyutra and stangury. Drinking it every day will surely keep your body in better condition.

Coconut water is also known to help break down kidney stones and keeps the body in a good condition enough to keep herpes, HIV and flu away.

5. Careful with the water - most of our water is being treated to keep it safe enough to drink, but the only problem in this is that it loses its minerals. Make sure you drink mineral rich water instead of purified ones that don't contain anything that the body needs.

6. Listen to your stomach - only eat when you're hungry. The Paleo diet does not really ask that you eat five times a day so eat only when you are hungry. Learn to listen to your stomach and not with your eyes or appetite.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Paleo Diet Cookbook

Paleo List :

What is Paleo Diet?

Paleo Diet Cookbook

-The Paleo diet is a derivative from the word "Paleolithic", which was a certain time frame about 2.5 million years ago, but ended about 10,000 years ago. It is sometimes called the "ancestor diet", due in fact that the foods used in the recipes for Paleo foods were actually eaten during the paleolithic period long ago. Our ancestors were healthy as an ox and strong as a bear. At the same time they were incredibly lean. This is all, because of the diet they were on, because of their surroundings.

Paleo Diet Concept

-HIGH PROTEIN, LOW CARBS. Its that simple, there are twists and turns here and there, but the main concept is the high protein, with the low carbohydrate intake. The reason being, is studies have shown that lean meat, or high protein meals and diets actually stimulate the metabolism and lead to weight loss. Remember if your trying to lose weight or gain weight, it takes a 50% effort in the gym and 50% effort in the kitchen! This Paleo Diet Cookbook helps explain more in depth with recipes and overall understanding of the Paleo diet.

Paleo Foods

-The foods used in the Paleo Cookbook consist of food that is hunted in quantities for one sitting, as opposed to mass harvesting of certain crops, or taming livestock. Fish for example was one of the prime foods eaten back then, and has since been reborn in this Paleo Cookbook. The reason the hunters were so well dieted was due in part by many factors. For one there was no additives in the food they were eating back in the day, everything was fresh, and all the meat included omega-3 fatty oils, for that reason the Paleo Diet Cookbook incorporates this. It is almost impossible to recreate the exact diet for many reasons, but the main one is, (were not hunter/gatherers anymore). We are a laid back society that relishes itself with so many pleasures, and food is one of the biggest items on that list. Aside from the fact were all lazy now lets take a look at some main food ingredients inside this Paleo diet, and understand why its so effective.


A lot of sources will tell you that you should consume meat, as long as it does not contain additives. If you take this route, the Paleo Diet Cookbook will have many recipes that will involve grass fed meat, or other alternative forms of meat to ensure that you are receiving your omega3-6's, because these fatty oils are a major factor inside the entire concept behind the Paleo diet. They provide energy for your body, because you won't be eating any carbs, and they are extremely good for you heart, along with; skin, hair, healthy nails, and your brain health (omega-9).

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Monday, June 11, 2012

Tips for the New Year to Get Organised, Lose Weight and Be Happy!

Paleo List :

Its that time of year (as I sit here writing this on New Year's Eve) when everyone is supposed to be relaxing in a post holiday bliss and contemplating what constructive changes you can make to your life in the next year when in reality you're more likely contemplating the size of the credit card bill that will arrive in January, which of your presents you can return to the shop and you get bombarded with bloggers listing their 'Top 10 widgets of 2010' whilst subtly trying to sell you stuff.

Tips for the New Year to Get Organised, Lose Weight and Be Happy!

So following in that vein- and also because I know a lot of random **** and genuinely want people to be as healthy, happy and fulfilled as I am, here are a few of my own thoughts and tips selected at random for how to make your next year better than your last.

Training and exercise

I'm not going to patronise you by reminding you that if you want a fit and healthy body, you need to be doing this. (Oops, just did). Though in the grand scheme of things, remember- you can't out exercise an unhealthy diet. That pint of beer or bar of chocolate you just had? That's probably a 30 minute fast jog on the treadmill to burn the calories off. Someone once said that nothing tastes as good as being in shape feels and while neither me nor anyone who's had a medium rare Argentinian steak washed down with a bottle of malbec followed by a cheesecake as big as a dinner plate will agree, I hope you get the point.

Talking of running, they say that if you do something repeatedly for 30 days, after that it becomes an ingrained habit. Well, the folks over at Nike+ reckon that once you upload the data for just 5 runs onto their system it becomes a habit. For me, the whole Nike+ thing turns running from something pretty boring to something pretty cool so if you fancy getting your trainers on, check it out. (if you have an iPhone you don't even need to buy the transmitter)

If you go to a gym, I recommend you don't employ a personal trainer, apart from someone like me, obviously). This might seem a pretty strange thing for me to say, so I'll elaborate. In my experience, most personal trainers produce pretty average results. This is due to (a) inexperience and lack of knowledge but most importantly, (b) due to their 'frame'. What this means is that- assuming they are gym employees, or self employed, they don't really care about your results, they just want to get you to the gym, sell training sessions and for you to keep coming back. You will probably get some results, but are short changing yourself long term. 80% of women mainly need to lose body fat, and don't like being told that cardio and sessions on the power plate are a completely retarded way to go about it. Same for the 50% of men who need to do this, too. And for the other 50% of men that also need to put on some muscle mass- doing dumbbell curls on a bosu ball or press ups and lunges all day doesn't do squat long term.

That's why I recommend you find a trainer that looks like he knows what he's talking about (i.e in better shape than you) or stop reading the muscle comics and reading some of the classic books on weight lifting and adding muscular bodyweight like Starting Strength, or Brawn. A good short cut is to buy a program like this, Show and Go, which I highly recommend.

Or if you think you're big enough but want to cut some bodyfat, check out the unbelievably named but very effective Body of Fire program I reviewed here. Or if you're serious about doing some training but really can't or won't get to the gym but can work out at home, check out something like the Turbulence Training (created by a Scottish personal trainer, Craig Ballantyne) or the P90X program, (a very in your face and cheesey, but extremely effective program from the US).

Diet and nutrition

Instead of amazing you with some new Daily Mail grabbing headline ("New cancer beating wonder food"), considering most intelligent adults (and friends of mine, if different) know what a healthy diet is, I'm just going to give you a quick take home tip- if it comes in a packet or box, don't eat it. At a stroke this rules out most of the processed and starch rich food that is the problem in most people's diets.

As an added bonus, I was reminded the other day of some really cool research related to humble cinnamon. Taken in sufficient quantities, it does amazing things to blood sugar levels (it keeps then down) and alters the insulinogenic properties of food (i.e insulin producing). This is significant as high insulin levels (triggered by excess sugar intake) are a major cause of fat gain (ask a type 2 diabetic).

Anyway, the tip is this- if you regularly drink much milk (say in your morning late or cappuccino)- start adding cinnamon powder to it in as much amount as you an handle. Unless you're vitamin or protein deficient, milk is a major source of empty calories, is full of sugar (its called lactose but its a sugar, just like that found in a jelly baby) and you shouldn't be drinking much of it. But if you're going to- stick a load of cinnamon in it and report back to me how much weight you've lost.

I see that with the new year has also come with the release of a book - the New Evolution Diet- and re-invention by some scientist of the popular 'Paleo' style of diet. 'Paleo' diets is so called because followers believe that the human body hasn't really changed much in the last few thousand years and can't cope with all the different food stuffs found in the modern diet. You should therefore eat like a caveman and consequently the diet is basically to avoid various things like grains, dairy, refined sugars and even- for some die hard adherents- fruit. If you can stick to this, it works quite well- not because (assuming you don't have specific food intolerances) there's anything magical about it but more because by avoiding those certain foods, you just tend to east less calories plain and simple.

This whole Paleo thing leads me onto (because one thing that caveman didn't do is sit around eating all day and only ate pretty infrequently) something else which is pretty exciting and may be the next thing in 'dieting' to go mainstream. Its called "Intermittent Fasting" and is basically a new take on plain old fasting where food is only avoided for a certain number of hours a day, or days per week. One of the most accessible books on it is called Eat Stop Eat and I'll be reviewing this in the near future.In the meantime, there is a ton of information for you to google if you're interested.

Life and productivity

First mention goes to a book I read last year that (along with a number of other things) changed my life. Its called the 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris, and was a New York Times best seller for practically a year. If you have any interest at all in working fewer hours, being more productive, happier, organised or having a second passive income you owe it to yourself to read this book. (He's just released a new book called the 4 Hour Body which is full of similarly effective tips for your body and health. I'll be doing a full of review of this shortly as I believe its so awesome.)

Another book that you might find interesting if you liked my post on minimalism and being happy, I highly recommend you check out the blog of Leo Babuta, Zen Habits and pick up a copy of his book, Focus.

If organisationally your life is a complete mess, I highly recommend a book called Getting Things Done by David Allen. You can find the book on Amazon on go to his site here. This finally gave me both the structure I needed to deal with my personal affairs (mainly consisting beforehand of piles of paper and admin containing everything from bills that needed to be paid NOW to interesting magazine clippings that I might one day be maybe interested in reading again, but also the methods for dealing with it all in an efficient and easy manner. If you Google it, you'll see Getting Things Done (or 'GTD') as its known to officianados) is something of a cult topic and after a bit of hunting am sure you'll find something really relevant to you.

And if you find GTD relevant to you, use a Mac to schedule your organisational/work commitments and also have an iPhone, I highly recommend the app ToDo which syncs with your 'to do's on your mac in a really convenient GTD manner.

Also, whether you work at home or in an office, you probably realise that trying to focus on tasks for long periods of time is not a very efficient way of working, so if your job permits you to manage your own time, I highly recommend checking out the Pomodoro Technique which is a cool site all about using- yes, that's right- an Italian cooking timer in order to improve your productivity. There's also a convenient iPhone app.

Finally, the few of you that work a lot from home (like I do) will find this a god send. Ever sit down to do some work but find yourself dragged to Facebook or your favourite news site just 'for a few minutes' that turns into an hour? Realise that on tap information about everything under the sun is actually a curse? Well, Freedom is a simple piece of software for Mac or PC which when activated disables your internet connection for a pre-set period of time enabling you to get on with what you're supposed to be doing, internet free. I'm using it now in fact- try it.

Anyway, have a safe and happy new year.

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

MLM System Can Get You Unlimited Leads Using Meetups

Paleo List :

My son, Elliot, was the first person to tell me about

MLM System Can Get You Unlimited Leads Using Meetups

Meetup is a community-building network. More than seven million people have created and joined local Meetup Groups. Members share common interests and hobbies.

You can use meetups to help you create an almost limitless supply of high-quality, targeted leads for your MLM home business. In fact, when done correctly, you'll never run out of warm market leads. Meetup leads will become part of your warm market so you are continually expanding your sphere of influence.

You see, your friends, colleagues, and family may be fantastic people, but they're not always interested in the things that you're most passionate about.

It's wise to connect with other people who share your enthusiasm for network marketing, or work from home opportunities.

The Internet simply isn't a substitute for meeting real people, in the real world. Sharing the joy and pain of starting a business over coffee with someone who knows what you are experiencing is priceless. In fact, face-to-face is where amazing things can happen. is about using the web to get together offline.

You can join a currently operating meetup group or start your own. Network marketing is a people business. It's driven by the relationships we develop. That's what is about also. Networking makes us all stronger.

Here's why meetups can be very effective:

· They are 100% duplicable.
· They require no internet marketing knowledge.
· They can create success for anyone.

Here's how it worked for me and my son.

Elliot has always been interested in matters of personal and spiritual growth. He's a member of a meetup called "Inquisitive Minds", and he's the organizer of the "Eckhart Tolle Meetup Group" which now has over 100 members and has received glowing reviews.

I turned to meetups because of my renewed interest in health, fitness, and weight loss. I wanted to learn more about the benefits of a raw food diet, and I am a member of several raw food, paleo diet, and vegan meetups. I've attended a variety of meetups as I refine my diet options and select a program that works for me - all while interacting with people who have lived these lifestyles years.

I plan to do the same thing with my MLM business opportunity. I'll use keywords like: network marketing, home based business ideas, work at home, etc. to find like-minded people and groups.

Here's how can you get started:

· Sign up for an account. The process is similar to that at Twitter or Facebook
· Create a profile
· Upload your photo (just as you would with any social networking site.)
· You can connect your meetup account to Twitter, Tumbler, Facebook, LinkedIn
· Select your topics of interest
· Enter your zip code or city
· Get a list of meetups nearby
· Sort by best match, distance, most members or newest group
· Select the distance you are willing to travel to for group meetings
· Search upcoming meetups
· Sample the available topics
· Look at profiles of group members
· Check out past meetups and reviews
· Check out the leadership team
· Check out related meetups

I always check to see how active a group is or see if they have upcoming meetups before I join. Meeting with real people makes a huge difference. It's all about building community and relationships. It's a simple, but effective way you can stay laser-focused on building your own network and growing your business while having lots of fun along the way.

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Wheat Allergy Symptoms - Blood Shot Eyes, Runny Nose, What's Going On?

Paleo List :

I've recently been observing the term "gluten free diet plan plan" all round the web nowadays and decided a brief review was necessary to decide if we must take this seriously. I've been feeling a bit fatigued and been obtaining blood-shot eyes a little lately following a big meal and the study I did stated that it could be yeast allergy symptoms connected to gluten. Lets take a look at what could be happening.

Wheat Allergy Symptoms - Blood Shot Eyes, Runny Nose, What's Going On?

What is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein contained in wheat, barley and rye (and countless foods - like bread and pasta - which include those grains). They also slip gluten into numerous other foods. Gluten may be utilized as an ingredient in foods for instance, ice cream and ketchup.

So how precisely does gluten impact the typical individual?

Studies have shown that men and ladies which might have celiac illness are frequently the most stricken from foods that have gluten. However, they are now just beginning to understand how it might effect individuals with common issues including: bloating, joint pain, runny nose, blood shot eyes, constipation, and so on. If you are going via any 1 of these issues following getting a big wheat meal you might be gluten sensitive and it might extremely nicely be effecting your life.

US Open winner Novak Djokovic has been on a gluten-free diet plan program this present year which has been related to his beautiful run on the courts.

It is viable a gluten-free eating routine helped him with:

1) Lowered systemic inflammation
2) Speedier recovery time
3) Much less immune program overload
4) Much much better nutrient absorption from food
5) Much much better gut motility and function

A lot of individuals have moderate yeast allergy symptoms

I hate to admit it but right following a meal at a Italian Restaurant which had been heavy on the bread - which has a beer or two thrown in - I really feel pretty poor. My wife feels the same. 1 reason why I appreciate Mark's Daily Apple is merely because it's a web site where I can head to discover fantastic tasting low-carb recipes and also gluten totally free foods. Mark has known as his type of eating as "Paleo". The Paleo Diet is really a way of consuming that very best imitates diets of our hunter-gatherer ancestors - lean meats, seafood, vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

No beer on a gluten free diet. Say it ain't so!

Permit me to preface this by stating, I completely love beer. If and when I select to get rid of a large number of gluten foods from my diet plan I do not think beer will on the list. At least one time per week I like to go out with family members and buddies and have a couple tall beers - frequently with dinner or perhaps just hanging with my wife. They really do make gluten totally free beer, nevertheless I will not eliminate wheat filled beer from my diet plan. It is distressing just thinking about it!

The Way I wish to integrate a gluten totally free food strategy

I'm about to go component time paleo - such as most gluten free foods then appreciate my carbohydrates and gluten filled foods at night and on the weekends when I'm unwinding. I'm going to attempt places like Whole-foods in addition to a neighborhood wheat-less retail outlet here in my region and adopt a gluten free diet to some extent.

And so I will simply do my best to buy gluten free options when it is practical. Mix in a few paleo meals and just eat normal gluten-filled foods the remainder of the time.

In conclusion

If you have been feeling unpleasant lately, or experiencing any type of yeast allergy symptoms, following a meal with plenty of breads, pasta's along with other types of flour you are able to think of, then you can have a gluten sensitivity. Replacing these kinds of foods isn't simple, but a part-time gluten free diet plan plan is possibly all you'll need.

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Delicious Paleo Meals

Paleo List :

The Paleo diet is very popular amongst athletes and individuals alike, and creating a Paleo meal plan is relatively easy. The Paleo diet is based on the eating habits of our ancestors in the Stone Age, focusing on meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds as a basis to their nutrition. There are a variety of delicious Paleo meals that one can dish up and the combinations are never ending, despite the list of foods that one should avoid.

Delicious Paleo Meals

Meat lovers will really enjoy the Paleo diet. Animal protein forms a major part of your eating habits and there are a number of delicious meals you can prepare. One of these is steak and eggs - an old favourite. To prepare this delicious meal you will need a medium sized steak along with 2 - 3 eggs. You can also add paprika for taste, which is optional. Start by preparing the steak in a preheated pan, with added ghee or tallow. You can also add the paprika if needed. Cook your steak until it's ready and remove it from the pan. Prepare your eggs medium to well, and serve them up with your steak. That's it - a delicious, high protein meal.

If you prefer chicken dishes, consider the Lemon Chicken Kebabs. You will use skinless chicken breasts, lemon juice, olive oil, garlic and pepper. Just preheat your grill until it's ready; you can also start soaking the wooden skewers in water to prevent them from burning. Then mix the olive oil, pepper and garlic in a separate bowl and add the chicken pieces to it. After leaving them to marinate for about half an hour, simply add them to the skewers and grill them for a further 15 minutes until they are done. Remember to continuously rotate.

Seafood lovers listen up - grilled scallops in a red pepper sauce is the perfect Paleo meal. You will need to get some coconut oil, a lemon and a dozen large scallops. You will also need to prepare a sauce, which will consist of a large clove of garlic, lemon juice from a freshly squeezed lemon, a large roasted red pepper and some olive oil. Simply squeeze the lemon juice over the scallops to marinade them. Then you can add all of the remaining ingredients together and mix them up until you have a smooth sauce; then heat it in a sauce pan. Finally you need to grill the scallops, using coconut oil, for about five minutes each. When they are done, put them on a plate and cover them with your delicious pepper sauce to complete the meal.

Following the Paleo diet is a healthy way of losing weight, increasing your energy levels and reducing your risk of heart disease and cancer. With the variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that you can add to your meals, you will never run out of fresh ideas! You can serve these dishes to the whole family, and prepare tasty snacks to fit in between your planned meals.

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Benefits of the Paleo Diet - More Energy, Quicker Recovery, Longer Life

Paleo List :

If you have been trying out different diets, looking for that feeling of powerful health that seems to be missing in so many diets, then the paleo diet might just be for you.

The Benefits of the Paleo Diet - More Energy, Quicker Recovery, Longer Life

The Paleo Diet, also known as the "Caveman Diet" has become hugely popular over the last few years. It is considered by many diet experts as the most healthy diet in the world.

And the best thing is: this is a diet where you don't need to count! You can eat until full...

The amazing benefits that can be obtained by following the Paleo Diet are easy to explain.

"Paleo", short for "Paleolithic" refers to the period where us human beings were still cavemen. At this time, we were hunter-gatherers, with no access to diary or to grain. These only came into the picture about 10,000 years ago, while we were hunter-gatherers for more than a million years before that.

Basically, our bodies were genetically coded to function optimally on a nutrition that comes from a hunter gatherer lifestyle. In the last 10,000 years however, the human genome has only changed by 0.01%

A lot of the foods we have been consuming are simply not suitable for our bodies, the main culprit being grains.

Grains, potatoes, beans, these foods were eaten by man after the rise of agriculture. Although they have allowed to "feed the masses"(which is why this planet is now completely overpopulated), they are simply not suitable for our 99.99% hunter-gatherer genome.

Cultures which still observe the paleolithic form of nutrition today are often complemented on their astonishing health.

Our western diets typically show that We consume too many Omega-6 fats and not enough Omega-3 fats. The Omega-6/Omega-3 ratio in western diets averages about 12:1. High dietary Omega-6/Omega-3 ratios are associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer, and tend to harm many inflammatory disease responses.

The extreme level of carbohydrates we are encouraged to eat nowadays is way to high!

The Paleo diet, by paying attention to these basic truths and by selecting foods that were available to paleolithic man, addresses these issues with tremendous results.

Followers of the paleo diet have reported increased energy and quicker recovery even after as little as two weeks.

Succeeding with paleo diet depends a lot on your own personal organization.

First of all, there are the foods that can be eaten: (see the site mentioned below for a comprehensive list):

Game Meats and Fish, Fruits, Nuts, Berries

And secondly, there are the foods that should be avoided:

Grains, Beans, Potatoes, Dairy

There are no calories or carbs to be counted, the idea is simply to eat until full.

Why not give this a try for a couple of weeks? You'll be enjoying the benefits in no time.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Complete List of the Super Foods

Paleo List :

Here's a Complete List Of the Super Foods, as put together by people like Oprah's doctor, Dr. Weil, WebMD and a host of other nutritionists.

Complete List of the Super Foods

Super Foods, also known as anti aging foods, are foods high in antioxidants as well as high concentrations of crucial nutrients that have been proven to help prevent and in some cases, reverse the effects of aging.

The Super Foods are listed here:

* red wine, water, and green tea
* avocado, broccoli, onions, peppers, soy, spinach, and sprouts, hot peppers, leeks, daikon radishes
* açai, apples, blueberries, pomegranates, pumpkin, kiwi, oranges,and tomatoes
* wild salmon, turkey, eggs
* beans, barley, seeds, nuts, lentils, oats, walnuts and buckwheat
* cinnamon, dark chocolates, garlic, honey, extra virgin olive oil ("cold pressed"), sea salt, yogurt & kefir
* sea vegetables, irish moss, umeboshi plums, wheat grass, miso

The problem with this complete list of Super Foods is that they are almost entirely recognizable. Perhaps daikon radish, kefir and umeboshi plums are new to you but the rest are likely to be common foods.

Is it possible that the world's superfoods happen to be the ones we regularly eat OR could it be that the people who collectively compiled this list over time only took the time to explore within their comfort zone.

It's nice to see exotic fruits like açai, foreign fermented foods like miso and crazy vegetables like daikon radish are finally making it to the forefront. The world is a big place for all the superfoods to be concentrated here. Hopefully one day the foods we most commonly recognize will be just a small percentage of the list OR we expand our palette so they're all common place.

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