Do not let the excitement of a new find distract you from careful consideration of the authenticity and the history of the point or tool you are contemplating.
If a story sounds too good to be true, likely it is too good to be true. Develop a relationship with the seller so that you can decide on the level of trust you can place on his or her word. This can take time.
Ask for as full an account of the history of the point as may be available. This is called the "provenance" of the point. It should include the name of the finder, the place, the date, and a description of the circumstances or special conditions under which the discovery was made. Also you should ask for a full list of previous owners of the point or tool, if you are not obtaining it from the original finder.
Whenever possible, you should inquire about and even require a "certificate of authenticity" from a respected source.
Almost any collector to whom you speak will have a story of how he bought a point from someone whom he thought was trustworthy, only to later find out that the point was either unknowingly or deliberately sold as authentic, when in reality it might have been a modern-made copy or reproduction point.
For example, when you are looking at supposed "Paleo-Indian" artifacts, it would be well to keep in mind that, in most parts of the country these artifacts are extremely rare. I know lifelong students of archaeology who have worked all over the country in projects covering many of the eras of human occupation in this continent who have only come across one or two authentic Paleo-Indian relics such as a Clovis spear point or a Folsom dart point. When these points are found in scientific excavations they are celebrated and carefully cataloged for future study and reference. When they might be found on private land, by individuals, these points and tools are often carefully preserved and put away, well out of the public eye.
Very seldom will you find such a point on the market. At least, not an ancient, authentic point of any quality. You may see an occasional broken or partial point. And sometimes, if a collector has had such a good Paleo-Indian point certified and authenticated, he may be tempted to sell it, but this would be unusual.
I find it difficult to imagine that even an artifact dealer, whose business has long been buying and selling these items, would ever want to sell a high quality Clovis point or Cumberland point, for example, without suggesting a substantial price.
I say this to caution you and to encourage you to carefully consider claims of age, culture and authenticity which you will hear from people who are collectors and/or sellers of possibly ancient artifacts.
Collecting is an exciting activity, and enthusiasm is good, but caution is also necessary to protect your long term interests and your satisfaction and peace of mind as they are dependent upon careful, educated decisions.
Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. F. Scott Crawford, Carrollton, Texas, USA